Suppressive Gunner in Epic

By heychadwick, in X-Wing Epic Play

Hi All,

With the new ships and new cards coming out, I think Suppressive Gunner will be great in Epic!


The cost is based on base size, with Epic being only 3 points!

Remember that Epic ships move last, but fire in normal order.

Epic ships usually don't get a way to modify Focus results. This upgrade makes you smile when you see eyeball results.

If you stick this on one of the bigger ships, you can potentially get a lot of attacks out. This means you can suppress one target and make each attack easier to hit, or you can spread the love and make a number of targets easier to hit for the rest of your list.

Point-Defense Battery gets a lot better, as well!

You can also fire this sucker at any range, which can be beneficial.


Since the link isn't showing up:


But yes! It seems good!

Suppressive Gunner with Point Defense Battery could be bonkers good, handing out Depletes or damage left and right.

Just keep in mind CR-90's, Assailer titled Raider and the Imp/FO Gozanti are the only ships that officially have the slots for it.

On 10/29/2020 at 9:03 AM, heychadwick said:

Remember that Epic ships move last, but fire in normal order.


Sounds like you are referencing 1.0 rules. Huge ships now have split initiative, and move and fire as indicated. This usually means they move last AND fire last.

Yes, I was on heavier drugs post surgery when I did my post. I also got wrong that it's Depleted, not Strains (at least in my head).

Point Defense isn't the only good thing to use with this. It can be used for a lot of different things.

Targeting Battery, Single Turbo Laser, and Ion Battery are good for their range. If you can Deplete them even just one die on the round before they engage, it means they will either need to do a Green move or reduce their attacks. That can be useful against a Wing Commander or an Epic ship, or even just any ship.

It's good to fire at the same target, or good to fire at numerous targets. If you want to fire at a bunch of ships as you are approaching them, you can force them to have a Deplete or to do a green move. If you are trying to run over a Wing, that can be a good choice to hit the Commander.

Lots of options, and only 3 pts!