Spending movement points to move (CT's Squad Tactics)

By timmy9921, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

  • First question: When CT spend a movement point to move, which of the following is true?
    1. (spend first) CT spends the movement point, friendly figure within range of squad tactics interrupts to move, CT moves
    2. (move first) CT spends the movement point and moves, friendly figure within range interrupts to move
    3. (same timing) CT decides on which to resolve first and can pick from 1 or 2 accordingly

  • Second question: True that multiple movement points can be spent at the same time? So CT can choose to spend 5 movement points before another friendly figure interrupts

Thanks @a1bert ahead of time 😁

With Squad Tactics, CT-1701 spends the movement points for the ability to give the movement points to a friendly figure as specified, not for moving.

Oh I completely misunderstood the ability. Good to know! Thanks!