I'm running a secrecy deck at the moment, with a lot of encounter deck manipulation, and I was wondering if the following combo is legitimate (and worth the effort):
Play Mithril Shirt, which is guarded (location), to filter enemies in particular out of the encounter deck, as my deck isn't strong on combat. Then after I have Mithril Shirt attached to my hero, play Bartering, to return Mithril Shirt to my hand, and then immediately play it again for free, sending more enemies (and treacheries) to the discard pile.
So, does this work!?
Obviously there is some luck involved (though I can scry the encounter deck, to an extent, to make it less of a gamble). Also, I can probably use Asfaloth to deal with the extra location, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Potentially, I can clear whole swathes of enemies from the encounter deck, if this combo is legit!
QuoteMithril Shirt
Guarded (location).
Attach to a hero.
Response: When attached hero is dealt any amount of damage, reduce that damage by 1.
Planning Action: Choose a ready player attachment on a character you control. Return that attachment to its owner’s hand to reduce the cost of the next attachment played this phase by X, where is the chosen attachment’s cost.
Edited by steve83