The app was updated earlier today. When I go to load my previously-saved scenario, the game says I have to activate “the following products” followed by a blank list. I own and have enabled every JIME product. It does not let me load the scenario that I was playing and saved before today’s app update.
Screenshot of my enabled products and the message I get:
Same complaints being logged at BGG.
This is clown-level buffoonery and EXACTLY why people hesitate to buy games you can’t play without an app. You guys need to get your act together and stop introducing bugs that destroy games or make them unplayable. Backwards save compatibility is “Testing 101” for games and you have failed that task at least twice, now. Utterly failed.
And that’s not even touching the slew of content bugs we have come to expect with every new campaign you release.
And this very week you introduced the new Descent at a $175 price point that will require an app?
What have you done to demonstrate we should pay that much for anything coming out of your software department?
Things have really gone downhill since Asmodee bought FFG.
Edited by grahamers