New Bug Makes Game Uplayable

By grahamers, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

The app was updated earlier today. When I go to load my previously-saved scenario, the game says I have to activate “the following products” followed by a blank list. I own and have enabled every JIME product. It does not let me load the scenario that I was playing and saved before today’s app update.

Screenshot of my enabled products and the message I get:

Same complaints being logged at BGG.

This is clown-level buffoonery and EXACTLY why people hesitate to buy games you can’t play without an app. You guys need to get your act together and stop introducing bugs that destroy games or make them unplayable. Backwards save compatibility is “Testing 101” for games and you have failed that task at least twice, now. Utterly failed.

And that’s not even touching the slew of content bugs we have come to expect with every new campaign you release.

And this very week you introduced the new Descent at a $175 price point that will require an app?

What have you done to demonstrate we should pay that much for anything coming out of your software department?

Things have really gone downhill since Asmodee bought FFG.

Edited by grahamers

PS: Playing on iPad with latest iOS.

Hi, I had the same thing happen. I emailed FF and they told me it is a known issue and sent me details of how to work around it. I haven't tried it yet but I posted the solution on BGG and someone tried it and said it worked. Here's what I was told:

1. Close out of the app. Plug your device into your computer and open iTunes

2. Go to your device's page in iTunes and open File Sharing and open Journeys in Middle-earth

3. Drag the SavedGames folder to your desktop, or select this folder and click "Save..." and save to your Desktop. You can also duplicate this folder on your desktop just to have a backup in case something goes wrong with the following steps.

4. Open the SavedGames folder that is on your desktop now and open the save file that is causing you issues. The folder numbers correspond to the save file in the app (folder "0" is the first save file, "1" is the second save file, etc.).

5. Open the SavedGameA and SavedGameB files in a text editor

6. Search for the word "ProductIds" and remove the number "2" or "2," (with the comma) from the list of ProductIds. Do this in both the SavedGamesA and SavedGamesB files.

7. Drag your modified SavedGames folder back into iTunes -> File Sharing -> Journeys in Middle-earth. It will ask if you want to replace this folder. Click "Replace"

8. Try to play your campaign again.

I agree, the software updates that came along with the last two new campaigns have been disastrous. I gave them a little bit of slack with Shadowed Paths because of the pandemic, but they should have that figured out by now.

Thanks for the info!

While I appreciate the fact that they have given someone a crazy workaround, it didn't help when I had friends over to continue our campaign.

Same problem. Please fix it ASAP !!!

For those that haven't seen in other threads, the bug that prevented you from loading saved games has now been fixed.