Question about Macron

By maamets, in Cosmic Encounter

When Macron is allied to a defender and defender wins then how many reward cards macron can take if he used his flare card that allows him to assist with 4 ships (16 attack value)?

maamets said:

When Macron is allied to a defender and defender wins then how many reward cards macron can take if he used his flare card that allows him to assist with 4 ships (16 attack value)?

Well, his power says each ship is worth two for rewards, and the Super flare doesn't do anything to change that, so he would get 8 rewards.

Yup, 8 cards for Macron! Makes up for all the times he's been forced to settle for less rewards than he deserves.

Hi. That situations happened in my game last week.

Despite being to benefical for the Macron, we assumed that each macron's ship is worth 2 rewards as long as the Macron power isn't zapped.

So in your case, 4 macron ships = 8 rewards (ships, deck cards or reward deck cards).