Evolving the Shark (FO hyperspace swarm)

By Nyxen, in X-Wing Squad Lists

So with the release of the Xi, the First order now has a better howlrunner to play with in Commander Malarus and better TIE fighters in the FO line.

Commander Malarus (Xi Shuttle) (43)
Ship total: 43 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 4

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Ship total: 25 Half Points: 13 Threshold: 2

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Ship total: 25 Half Points: 13 Threshold: 2

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Ship total: 25 Half Points: 13 Threshold: 2

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Ship total: 25 Half Points: 13 Threshold: 2

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Ship total: 25 Half Points: 13 Threshold: 2

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Ship total: 25 Half Points: 13 Threshold: 2

Total: 193

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=First Order&d=v8ZhZ200Z404XWWWWWY269XWY269XWY269XWY269XWY269XWY269XW&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

You end up with 7 points to play with which I personally find commander Pyre and proud tradition great in, but can see a case for agent Terex or tactical officer. What do you guys think?

I’d vote Terex. Passing out a jam at up to R3 against a proton wielding Dengar or Kylo could save one of your ships. When I play Malarus with Terex I burn all three calcs in the first round just to have that option. I find it’s not worth holding onto them because she usually dies in the first two-three rounds of engagement if you can’t keep her out of range.

and the third option is ATP on all the FO’s for token stacking.

Edited by kempokid
1 hour ago, kempokid said:

I’d vote Terex. Passing out a jam at up to R3 against a proton wielding Dengar or Kylo could save one of your ships. When I play Malarus with Terex I burn all three calcs in the first round just to have that option. I find it’s not worth holding onto them because she usually dies in the first two-three rounds of engagement if you can’t keep her out of range.

and the third option is ATP on all the FO’s for token stacking.

FYI you can't burn all three in 1 round, only one calculate

As to the OP, Agent Terex is good.

Other options is Fanatical on Mal or even ATP on all 6 /fo's

Edited by Deffly
25 minutes ago, Deffly said:

FYI you can't burn all three in 1 round, only one calculate

Yeah misspoke, I meant i start burning them in the first round even if I’m not taking shots

2 hours ago, kempokid said:

Yeah misspoke, I meant i start burning them in the first round even if I’m not taking shots

Cool, cool, cool.

A friend of mine takes the burn all calcs approach too. I've played him 3 times and only once has he got that jam in, so there is dice involved :D

It has mattered in other games for him though....

He was mildly impressed by a Pyre version he ran into, but has stuck with Terex. The Calc does some work, even if the jam does not. It's defensively useful with 2ag and handy to throw on a TIE that ends up focussed on. Just used passively, anything that keeps the shuttle from blowing up too fast is pretty good. With the TIEs such a pain to wade through, I've had a lot of trouble earning decent points from the games.

He's considered mass ATP, but perhaps not been brave enough.... I'm not sure how it would play out. It could be I'm just bad, but I have difficulty seeing an awful lot of return on the extra tokens, given the random nature of its distribution and the scrum tendencies of the list leading to mixed target selection. One of the strengths I've run into is the way it can deal with having strain all over the place by just throwing ships everywhere. It might work against ATP.

But it also might not. I slightly fear him trying it.

Terex is definitely just always good. It's proven to be a strong build at Mustafar this wknd and my buddy has an excellent record with it over the last few weeks.

His main quandary was actually Terex or some kind of bid. Moving 1st has been clutch in a couple of mirror-ish matches.

(footnote, I finally managed to narrowly beat it with Latts Razzi, Kad Solus, Genesis Red and Sunny Bounder. I was ecstatic)