Incapacitated Figures counting for other abilities

By Tvboy, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Would an incapacitated figure be counted for another figure's ability that isn't affecting the incapacitated figure?

For example, if Fenn ends his activation next to an incapacitated Rebel, and there are no other adjacent friendly figures, could he still use Lone Wolf?


Also do Incapacitated figures count for controlling objectives?

FAQ: Incapacitated and withdrawn figures’ abilities cannot be used, even if they don’t affect that same figure.

The incapacitated figure is still Rebel and hostile to imperial figures, so rules as written would count for Control. But there is only one campaign mission I can remember that uses Control as a mechanism.

Edit: Misread the question, so: The incapacitated figure is still Rebel and friendly to rebel figures, so Fenn can't use Lone Wolf if he ends his activation adjacent to a friendly figure.

Edited by a1bert