Id highly recommend checking out Nemesis. They have a late pledge for their second prerelease and I've seen tons of comparisons to Mansions of Madness gameplay wise but thematically like Alien. I just ordered my copy due to me missing out in the original release. If you're interested the last day to pre-order is October 30th
Some highlights
1. Its semi cooperative, meaning each player has 2 objectives. 1 is generally survive one way or another and the second can be a variety of things (make sure one player gets killed by the intruder, disable the engines, capture an egg, etc) and these are all hidden of course. There are alternative modes like full coop if you want or play single player as well as a few other options
2. Characters all unique with their own abilities and traits
3. The miniatures are even better quality than Mom
4. Games seem to be a little shorter than Mom for the most part but it can still be a long game
5. There are plenty of interactions in the game players will be unaware of if you are telling the truth unless they go check something you interacted with, such as disable the engines, changing the ships course, etc
6. Each player can win on their own meaning that a player can go to the escape pod and ditch everyone else if they want
7. There is a lot of player interaction above the game (tons of things to discuss and strategize and accuse people of) and on the board (locking players in rooms for example).
8. Each game seems to be pretty difficult, like Mom, but even if you lose its generally considered fun even with that.
9. Same randomization of rooms as Mom and enemy randomization but you only fight a single specifies at a time but each species has 4 to 5 variants
10. When you die you get the chance to take on the role of intruder
Here is the game itself on the presale site
Edited by IWasLeft2Die