In light of the new ships coming to the Republic faction, i wanted to make a build that consisted of 4 i5 pilots to compete with the current Nantex overlords.
Obviously, points will have to be speculated, but I think I can make a decent margin and lead the discussion in the direction of the priority in upgrades. Here's what the base of the list looks like:
Obi Wan kenobi (Aethersprite) + CLT
Ric Olié (N1)
Aayla Secura (Actis) + R2-A6
Contrail (V-wing) + Esk + Marksmanship/R7-A7
The way the list works is pretty simple: Ric jousts with his advantage, Aayla looks to jump to range 1 with the help of R2-A6 to bolster the squad's defense, Obi tries to get some bullseye shots and maintain shields up for the squad and Contrail looks to ionize high priority targets to help Obi Wan and Aayla setup the perfect engagement.
Without counting marksmanship, the total known cost of this squad would be 104 points, which leaves a pretty fair 96 for Aayla, Contrail, his config and marksmanship or R7-A7.
As for the remaining upgrades, it's hard to know how many points we have to play with, so I'm just going to make a reasonable wishlist for each of the pilots:
Obi Wan: One of the more simple ones, currently I don't think there's any force upgrades he covets, and Sync. console seems pretty lackluster on a squad that really likes focusing. As for astromechs, there are two options I like: R4-P keeps the opponent guessing and your options open after your red turn, and R4-P17 gives you 100% uptime on focus tokens.
Aayla: much like Obi Wan, I don't think she enjoys any force upgrade in particular, and her lack of upgrade slots means that there isn't much to work with here
Contrail: This is a pretty interesting one, as his options depend on which crit source he chooses to take. If he takes Marksmanship, R4 and R4-P are both great options to loosen up his dial. If he takes R7-A7, expert handling makes barrel roll much more accessible and less punishing.
Ric: The most interesting of these ships in terms of upgrades, Ric works pretty well when he is barebones but also a bunch of combos that allow him to adapt his playstyle. Daredevil + R2-C4 make him into a more traditional ace, R3 + FCS give him very efficient mods for a while, juke works pretty well with him if FFG ever decides to make it playable again, but my preferred option would be to just slam in a R4-P to help him use his ability the turn after he inevitably talon rolls.
That's all I got. If anyone has any opinions/suggestions, please share!