Gahh!!! I just built a NASTY Rebel gunline!

By Deadshane, in Army Building

....With Mandalorians to cover the flanks.

++ Standard (Rebel Alliance) [792 Points] ++

+ Commander +

Rebel Officer [58 Points]: Electrobinoculars

•Leia Organa [98 Points]: Electrobinoculars

+ Corps +

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [48 Points]: HQ Uplink

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [48 Points]: HQ Uplink

Rebel Veterans [94 Points]: CM-O/93 Trooper, Offensive Push, Rebel Veteran, Targeting Scopes

Rebel Veterans [56 Points]: Electrobinoculars

+ Special Forces +

Mandalorian Resistance [129 Points]: Jetpack Rockets, Long Range Comlink, Offensive Push, Recon Intel, •Tristan Wren

+ Support +

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team [87 Points]: Barrage Generator, HQ Uplink

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team [87 Points]: Barrage Generator, HQ Uplink

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team [87 Points]: Barrage Generator, HQ Uplink

+ Command Hand +

Command Hand: •Coordinated Bombardment, •Sabotaged Communications, ••No Time for Sorrows, ••Push, •••Covering Fire, •••Somebody Has to Save Our Skins, ••••Standing Orders

+ Battle Cards +

Condition Cards: Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions, Hostile Environment, Minefield

Deployment Cards: Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Danger Close, Major Offensive

Objective Cards: Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators

++ Total: [792 Points] ++

Created with BattleScribe

So basically, lose the Long range comlink on Mandos for a better bid if needed, You want blue player.

Shoot for Advanced Positions if possible, Fortified pisitions is also real nice for the cannons.

EVERY TURN Big guns fire then recover. HQ uplink every time. Leia, Commander, and troopers Electrobinoc each cannon. Leia and commander throw dodge on them as well.

If peeps get too close, Uplink the troop blasters and fire support the cannons for 11dice!

Mandos grab Objectives and protect Flanks after initial rocket blast from Tristan.


Nevermind...this got wasted.

19 minutes ago, Deadshane said:

Nevermind...this got wasted.

Not surprised, only 3 or 4 units can actually go and take objectives from the enemy, and those dishes can be hamstrung by certain deployments

I'd ditch the Officer, Leia and Veterans and sub in Cassian w/rifle, troopers with DLT20s

you have 5 HQ uplinks in that army, that is 50 points worth, which is another veterans squad if you want, and if you give an order to the veterans they can pass off another order to an emplacement within range 1, this could go to the FD cannons or to the Mark 2,

also, instead of electrobinoculars, maybe try going for linked targeting array, if they get an order from the veterans then they get an aim that way

If you want this gunline to work you need to either have more units that can take objectives, or a larger bid to ensure you get the scenarios your team will thrive on.

yea....I already gave up on this...its garbage.

Ive got plenty of rebel units and two successful tourney lists...this list is nothing to shoot for.

Im working on Maximum Mando now...and I think I have it. posted in lists.