Let's assume amanda gets a Grisly Totem 3 (survivor) through teamwork. What happens if she uses it on the card beneath her and fails? WOuld the card stay there or return to her hand?
Amanda and Grisly Totem 3 (survivor)
I think that is probably one for the Rules Query form! Given that it requires Teamwork it wouldn't surprise me if the designers hadn't considered this interaction while designing Amanda.
If you forced me to pick now, I'd say it ends up in your hand. Grisly Totem returns the card to your hand while Amanda simply says that the card isn't discarded. Returning it to your hand doesn't contradict either of these abilities whereas leaving it under Amanda would contradict Grisly Totem's text.
That would be my read as well. Nothing stops other things from happening to the card under Amanda, it just isn't discarded due to being committed.
The new FAQ clarifies that the card returns to your hand.
Amandas ability only prevents the card to be discarded. It can enter other play areas or leave play for different reasons.