Greetings, I'm back again and figured I'd ask for your help since you helped me out a lot last time.
So it's like this my friend is running a campaign and it's the first time I've ever been given the go ahead to play a Force-sensitive character, only thing is...I have no idea how to create one, lol. The thing is I always loved the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers and thought they'd be fun characters to play. I know there's a universal specialization for the sisters and I've managed to get my hands on it, although I'm not sure where to begin, like should I talk to the GM about house ruling it to allow me to start with this? Or use another specialization and work my way into it? etc.
Anyway I'd appreciate any friendly advice anyone can give me about how I should go about making a Nightsister for the game. ^ ^
Building a Nightsister
There are two options. The first is to spend twenty of your starting XP on Nightsister as a second specialization. The second is to wait until you have earned twenty XP during game play (likely after one or two sessions, depending upon how stingy the GM chooses to be) and buy the spec as a second spec. You cannot start with it as your primary spec. You can buy it with starting XP but at the cost of raising an attribute. Those are your options.
On the other hand, you don't have to go anywhere near the Nightsister spec to play a Nightsister, just like you do not have to go anywhere near the Bounty Hunter career to play a person who earns his money by hunting down wanted fugitives. There is no way Ventress would have the Nightsister spec if she were a PC.
Whatever works for your character concept beyond the broad "Nightsister".
If you play a Mystic-Alchemist/Magus or Warrior-Agressor and maybe later dip into specs like Hermit, Alchemist, Magus, Agressor, Healer, Shadow, whatever suits the character... and maybe invest heavily into the Conjure power, that'd be perfectly fine Nightsister too.
Edited by micheldebruynThere is no such thing as a Summon power.
6 hours ago, Dr. Penguinstein said:Greetings, I'm back again and figured I'd ask for your help since you helped me out a lot last time.
So it's like this my friend is running a campaign and it's the first time I've ever been given the go ahead to play a Force-sensitive character, only thing is...I have no idea how to create one, lol. The thing is I always loved the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers and thought they'd be fun characters to play. I know there's a universal specialization for the sisters and I've managed to get my hands on it, although I'm not sure where to begin, like should I talk to the GM about house ruling it to allow me to start with this? Or use another specialization and work my way into it? etc.
Anyway I'd appreciate any friendly advice anyone can give me about how I should go about making a Nightsister for the game. ^ ^
What sort of Nightsister do you want to play?
The spec in question is a blend of offense and mysticism, and is well-suited for what I guess you could label a "generic" Nightsister, especially one that started out in an EotE or AoR career and thus doesn't automatically get Force Rating 1. If you're starting off with a F&D career and don't want to focus too much on the mysticism aspects, then Seeker is a pretty good place to start, especially the Hunter, Pathfinder, and Executioner specs.
A Nightbrother would probably fall into either the Guardian or most likely the Warrior careers, choosing specs that give them an offensive boost or enhance their skills at protecting the more valued Nightsister witches.
Look to Jedi: Fallen Order and the character of Merrin (a Nightsister Witch of Dathomir), I wouldn't place her in the Nightsister universal spec, but rather as a Mystic (likely Seer for her initial career) though Seeker/Hermit is a possible option (though nothing we see in the game shows her having the Hermit's affinity for animals).
Ventress is definitely not your typical Nightsister, and her specific spec would be Force Outcast (from Rise of the Separatists) since that's almost tailor-made to simulate a Ventress-type character, much like several of the universal specs in Dawn of Rebellion are tailored to named characters from both Rebels (Padawan Survivor, Ship Captain, Pirate) and Rogue One (Force Adherent)
8 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:On the other hand, you don't have to go anywhere near the Nightsister spec to play a Nightsister, just like you do not have to go anywhere near the Bounty Hunter career to play a person who earns his money by hunting down wanted fugitives. There is no way Ventress would have the Nightsister spec if she were a PC.
Whatever works for your character concept beyond the broad "Nightsister".
If you play a Mystic-Alchemist/Magus or Warrior-Agressor and maybe later dip into specs like Hermit, Alchemist, Magus, Agressor, Healer, Shadow, whatever suits the character... and maybe invest heavily into the Conjure power, that'd be perfectly fine Nightsister too.
That's some good insight and I was considering doing something like that. Like I was looking at the seer, healer and alchemist. It depends on what's missing from the party.
7 hours ago, Donovan Morningfire said:What sort of Nightsister do you want to play?
The spec in question is a blend of offense and mysticism, and is well-suited for what I guess you could label a "generic" Nightsister, especially one that started out in an EotE or AoR career and thus doesn't automatically get Force Rating 1. If you're starting off with a F&D career and don't want to focus too much on the mysticism aspects, then Seeker is a pretty good place to start, especially the Hunter, Pathfinder, and Executioner specs.
A Nightbrother would probably fall into either the Guardian or most likely the Warrior careers, choosing specs that give them an offensive boost or enhance their skills at protecting the more valued Nightsister witches.
Look to Jedi: Fallen Order and the character of Merrin (a Nightsister Witch of Dathomir), I wouldn't place her in the Nightsister universal spec, but rather as a Mystic (likely Seer for her initial career) though Seeker/Hermit is a possible option (though nothing we see in the game shows her having the Hermit's affinity for animals).
Ventress is definitely not your typical Nightsister, and her specific spec would be Force Outcast (from Rise of the Separatists) since that's almost tailor-made to simulate a Ventress-type character, much like several of the universal specs in Dawn of Rebellion are tailored to named characters from both Rebels (Padawan Survivor, Ship Captain, Pirate) and Rogue One (Force Adherent)
Merrin and their appearance in Rebels was mainly what inspired me to play a Nightsister kind of wanted to play a force-sensitive that wasn't a Jedi or an Inquisitor (popular among my friends) and had a bit more of a witchy flavor to them. Someone more creepy, weird, etc. In addition I imagine a lot of their motivation for joining the party is "we're survivors, we adapt." In addition I thought a lot of Merrin's powers were kind of cool and unique, although I know I can't dabble in necromancy or teleport, I figure I can do some Ichor related things in the game.
I wanted to do something more on the mystic side of things and was thinking maybe a seer or something because think there's some interesting things to be done there and it kind of makes sense for the crew, since they're actively hunting a certain Jedi. Kind of have someone who's sensitive to the Force, can sense those ripples, has visions, etc.
Anyway thanks so far this advice has been really helpful ^ ^
18 hours ago, Dr. Penguinstein said:.. although I know I can't dabble in necromancy or teleport, I figure I can do some Ichor related things in the game.
I mean it is something you can work toward. Necromancy is part of the Conjure power and you could maybe do teleportation as a narrative way to describe a Force Leap from the Enhance power.
5 hours ago, DarthKaage said:I mean it is something you can work toward. Necromancy is part of the Conjure power and you could maybe do teleportation as a narrative way to describe a Force Leap from the Enhance power.
That's a good catch, I didn't notice that.
On 10/13/2020 at 10:00 PM, Dr. Penguinstein said:... I know I can't dabble in necromancy or teleport...
Nightsisters can't teleport. They fake it with illusions, basically Alter and Misdirect in this game.
1 hour ago, micheldebruyn said:Nightsisters can't teleport. They fake it with illusions, basically Alter and Misdirect in this game.
The clone wars seemed to let mother talen teleport
1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:The clone wars seemed to let mother talen teleport
Mother Talzin is basically the Yoda and Palpatine of the Nightsisters. She gets stuff that's not available to the rank and file.
20 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:Nightsisters can't teleport. They fake it with illusions, basically Alter and Misdirect in this game.
Then how did Merrin rescue Cal in the last part of Fallen Order? ...yeah according to the wiki, she can teleport.
Anyway before we get off topic any more suggestions? Like I said first time playing a force sensitive character and it looks a little intimidating. Regardless I'm psyched for this character, the party is psyched and I'm probably going to go with a seer or something along those lines.