Suggestions sought, FO mini swarm

By Archangelspiv, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hey Everybody,

This is what I want to try, I’m just not too keen on double straining my /FO’s. Is this fine as is? Or changes required.

New Squadron

(43) Commander Malarus [Xi-class Light Shuttle]
Points: 43

(40) Gideon Hask [Xi-class Light Shuttle]
Points: 40

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 29

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 29

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 29

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 29

Total points: 199

I would just try it and see. Have had similar thoughts. Gideon wont kick in until probably when Malarus is dead/near death (I cant imagine the enemy not going for reroll dude first.) and Gideon is a may ability, so you dont have to double strain unless you roll like double hits and want to roll that third die for guarantee 3 hits if you have focus and adv optics.

I thought about something similar, just be aware that Hask's ability doesn't work on Malarus. Also maybe consider changing AO for ATP on your FOs so you can add Terex to one of the Xis. I tried him out and it was super useful.

I don't know that I like Hask and Malarus together. As @Asaverino1019 points out, Mal can't benefit. Two Xi just seems like... one too many in general, too. @wurms has a good point about a 1-2 punch, with Hask being a second-line support ship. My gut says I don't want two expensive support ships, particularly ones which can't turn around, but in terms of statline they're not really worse offense than the TIEs.

Malarus and Optics seem like... a weak combo IMHO. The reason to invest in Optics so you don't need other forms of dice mods, I figure. It's two ways to fix blanks, and while that gives a lot of consistency to your dice (1.938 hits expected), it's a lot to pay to improve the 1.813 hits expected from an Optics TIE or 1.838 from a Malarus-only TIE.

  • Malarus (Terex crew) + 6 FO is probably the early go-to Xi/TIE swarm list. A reasonable option, but not super creative.
  • Would it work to have some combo of TIE/fo and TIE/sf? A lot of the old Avenger Swarm lists were 3 FO 2 SF, and adapting that format might work here.
    • Hask + 2 Optics SF + 3 Optics FO fits with 1 point to spare. It's split initiative, but it's a lot of consistent ships, and Hask can help these consistent low dice really finish off something with more hull.

This currently my fav FO mini swarm. Really it’s not a mini swarm.... it’s a swarmet 😜 👍

It’s pretty decent tho. Very similar to a GSP stream list that did well.

Kylo Swarmet

(76) Kylo Ren [TIE/vn Silencer]
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 80

(43) Commander Malarus [Xi-class Light Shuttle]
(2) Proud Tradition
Points: 45

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
Points: 25

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
Points: 25

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter]
Points: 25

Total points: 200

Commander Malarus (43)
Angled Deflectors (3)

Gideon Hask (40)
Captain Phasma (5)

“Scorch” (33)

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)

Epsilon Squadron Cadet (25)
Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Just to test the firepower of the list, I went into fly casual and just straight jousted 5X.


I put Phasma on Gideon (outside shuttle) and angeled deflectors on Malarus so if the Xwings banked in, Malarus takes a reinforce, otherwise he just shoots.


First engagment. No need to reinforce Malarus, since only two xwings have him in arc (benefit of being init 5)


After a round of PEW PEWs, I got an xwing off the board for shield off Mal,Gideon, scorch. Gideon kicked in, plus Mal reroll helped finish the Xwing.


Second round of engagement. Blocked right-most xwing. Mal and Gideon both did a jam action taking a focus from two other Xwings. The first Xwing to fire, rolled hit and three eyeballs!!! Good thing he got jammed! TWO MORE XWINGS OFF THE BOARD! Lost Malarus = Good trade!


I stopped screen grabs here. That front Xwing got stressed from phasma and couldnt kturn for two rounds, while my crew went to work on the other one. Once Gideon kicks in, its like having 4 Scorches (Scorchii? Scorchinos? Scorcheroos?) in the squad!

Edited by wurms