Has anyone ever made rules on fighting on horseback? Should the TN increase?
Riding is covered in the survival skill, so would a survival roll be necessary to move closer to your target?
Any thoughts?
Has anyone ever made rules on fighting on horseback? Should the TN increase?
Riding is covered in the survival skill, so would a survival roll be necessary to move closer to your target?
Any thoughts?
Page 326 covers that for you.
Mounts and Riding While it is being ridden during a conflict, a mount does not take a turn of its own, and provides the following benefits to its rider: $$ When the rider succeeds on a Movement action check, add bonus successes equal to the mount's Water Ring. $$ The rider may use their Survival skill in place of their Fitness skill for any Fitness check they make. During narrative and downtime scenes, a mounted character doubles their overland travel speed.
I do agree this book has horrible organization and layout. I mean, go to page 268, titled Harm and Healing and read it to the end tell me where does it say how hard and how long does it take to heal someone? Trick question: You won't find it in there.
ok wow, I totally missed that. So it is a rule for movement using the survival ring. I guess I was wondering if someone had an advantage for having experience riding on a horse, then that would reflect in a technique.
Attacking on horseback is therefore resolved as normal. If the attacker is on horseback and his opponent is not, maybe rule that he cannot attack with melee unless he performs a guard action or can somehow move faster than the horse because of terrain obstacles, etc..
Well, you missed the fact that lots of kata count as an Attack AND movement action so that would be covered by the horse providing bonus success equal to their Water Ring (if the rider succeeds) and the rider doesn’t need to be on Water Stance either.
Edited by Diogo Salazarah, yes. thanks. Im still getting used to the rules. My gaming group get into skirmish conflicts once every three sessions on average so the complexities of the combat rules arent cemented in my head yet.
7 hours ago, Nagasadow81 said:I guess I was wondering if someone had an advantage for having experience riding on a horse, then that would reflect in a technique.
There are a handful of effects that benefit mounted combatants.
10 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:There are a handful of effects that benefit mounted combatants.
- Unicorn Characters specifically
- Heroic Charge adds bonus successes to attacks equal to the number of range bands moved. Being on a horse, you move faster and hence hit harder.
Thanks for pointing out Heroic Charge, another place that proves that the duels rule don’t worry about distance and position.