Hello everyone! I’m going to be running a clone game which is what my players wanted. My idea is to start will military missions up until order 66. The clones will find out about the inhibitor chips and have a choice. To continue work for the empire or become outlaws or maybe even rebels. What can I do to make the game more interesting rather than point A to point B and make the players feel more individual? Story ideas are most welcome because I have no idea where to start. Thanks!!
Hi player, I am going to be running a campaign for clone troopers and jedi starting at the beginning of the clone wars at some point as well. I believe I am understanding you correctly in that you have the same problem I had: How do you get your players to have fun in a military setting where they are told what to do and when to do it? In other words, make them feel as if they are not being railroaded to go from mission A to B to C.
The best answer I found is to put them in a position where they can have more autonomy. Be it their rank (ARC troopers/Commandos) or the group they are with. (They are with X task force that is focused on capturing a rogue scientist . )
The objective may be set in stone, but how they achieve that is up to them. They may choose to do some recon. They may choose to hear local rumors at the bar. They may choose to try to sneak into the scientists lab. That is how you can avoid making it a point A to B kind of game. Giving them a goal, but letting them set the rules on how to get there is an easy and great way to give them agency.
Giving them an option to be part of a task force to chase down a rogue scientist would be a great way to unveil the inhibitor chip to them as well.
As for ideas for individualism, I would reccomend books/videos on clones. One such youtube video is about clone hairstyles. Some hairstyles are common with clones that want to display individualism. Another hairstyle might be to honor fallen brothers. Small things like this can help promote individualism, and really help roleplaying.
A clones armor was very important, it helped express individuality through different paintjobs/words/pictures on them and in rare circumstances, even special modifications. Giving players a chance to customize their armor can really help get that feeling of individualism across.
Hope this helped answer your questions.
On 10/11/2020 at 11:58 AM, player5857008 said:What can I do to make the game more interesting rather than point A to point B and make the players feel more individual?
It's best to give the players some autonomy, either a long extended mission with several sub-objectives so they can decide how best to tackle the problem, or even have them disconnected from the Republic high command due to communication failures, distance, etc. If you haven't viewed the TCW arc on the assault on Umbara (S4, E7-10) it's well worth reviewing. The larger goal is to take the planet, but their own mission is to take the city, and to do that they have to take an airfield, etc. Along the way their communication with higher command is increasingly spotty, so they have to make their own decisions.
Each of the clones also has a unique way of acting, speaking, thinking so it should provide good fodder for individualist ideas.
On 10/11/2020 at 11:58 AM, player5857008 said:The clones will find out about the inhibitor chips and have a choice. To continue work for the empire or become outlaws or maybe even rebels.
This can be tricky, I can imagine it would be a great opportunity for some intense roleplay. But in the end the players will probably have to be unanimous in their decision, otherwise it would be hard to explain why the campaign doesn't end in a shootout.
You can of course "steer" the results by making them privy to important information, or have them feeling increasingly neglected and treated like cannon fodder the closer to Order 66 they get. Or the other way, by having them increasingly celebrated and their status increased as they gain (future) Imperial favour...
Edited by whafrogclarification
Thank you for your input! This will help greatly. Good luck on your campaign!
I had some ideas about this campaign. Sorry it took a few days.
-Setting: Can be A: one large battle that goes on for several missions or B: several smaller battles on various planets.
-The group is assigned to a unit as special forces, having the autonomy to do what they consider best for the battle. Primarily it should be missions behind enemy lines or objectives away from the main army. Sabotage, Capture/kill a high value target, reconnaissance, and collect intel / data from a facility come to mind as a few ideas.
-The Jedi (general or commander) is a real jerk who deserves to die - think Pong Krell.
-The big reveal: Hostage rescue mission. Separatists have captured a clone (that’s right, *1* clone). The team must rescue him. When they get there, it’s obvious he’s having a breakdown (Tup style). Upon returning, he kills the Jedi at the first opportunity.
-Then they discover the implants. Also, they are offered a job working for the 501st. Which side do the PCs pick?
Right on! That sounds great. I can’t wait to get working on this. I would love to have an Umbara type of battle at some point for that huge fight. Thanks for the ideas!
Embrace the limitations of the Military Campaign!
As a GM starting a 'new' campaign the Military campaign can be a great starting point for an environment as broad as a Star Wars galaxy.
Especially with the Clone Wars!
Pick a battle field and send the players in.
PC's get objectives and assets.
They have to face obstacles and the fun is watching them figure out how to ****** victory out of the jaws of defeat!
Also important for new players is that they don't get overwhelmed with ancillary options. The players get to focus on an adventure with laser like intensity. They still get to explore but don't need to be burdened with trying to decide where to explore next.
Oh, and have fun. Your players will too!
Thanks for the reply! I will keep that in mind!
Maybe make them a Special Ops unit.. they're all out the same production line... then they can all choose a specialism beyond infantry trooper (medic, pilot, mechanic, demolitions, comms etc).. dunno, But then each can shine at least once per session.
A previous post was send then into battle... but using CW as a basis, the frontal assault by Obi-Windu or Apprentice side quest/plot device is just a distraction, the PLAYER'S objectives mean victory or failure.. use planets not used in the cartoons... sorry, animated features
Wait. 's-n-a-t-c-h' is not a permitted word? Really?
We've been snatching victory from the jaws of defeat for a VERY VERY long time!