1 hour ago, happy_ythogtha said:i just finished playing the long-sought "A Phantom of Truth" in the Carcosa cycle; what a mind-bender it was! time and again my bacon was saved by so many weird things happening!
- my Stella deck now has 37 cards and, sleeved, i can barely hold it in my hand (i have small hands). she also now has four weaknesses ~ it's completely out of control.
- Akachi has played much better the last two scenarios, but her Angered Spirits card is killing me. she has three trauma at this point and i will probably have to retire her soon. : o (
random question: when you pick up an ally in one scenario, you keep them through the campaign, right? if they are "defeated" they get discarded and at the end of the scenario just go back into the deck, right? or am i doing this wrong?
You are doing it right! You keep Allies or whatever other things you may collect, throughout the campaign unless otherwise instructed. They get treated like any other Ally or player card unless there is some sort of stipulation made.
I’m playing Stella right now for the first time and let me tell you, Drawing Thin and Try and Try Again(3) are amazing with her. Her Neither Rain or Snow can have multiple uses. We used those cards with Rain or Snow in back to back Mythos phases for different investigators, since it doesn’t stipulate that the test has to be yours. Both tests were super high against the weakest ability to start with. Drawing Thin mitigates the +3 to a +1, (and gives her 2 resources or a card), I had Granny Orne too so that could bring it back to 0 if needed. In this case, failing meant taking 2 damage and losing 1 action in one case and discarding your highest cost asset in the other, but failing with Rain or Snow that effect gets cancelled so no harm no foul. Try and Try Again puts Neither Rain or Snow back in her hand, and she isn’t even done reaping the rewards of the failed test. Now she now has an extra action during her turn to boot. Yep, all in a days work for a humble civil servant!
I think I got at 6-7 uses out of her 3 Neither Rain or Snows and 3-4 times they cancelled some pretty bad stuff during Mythos and at Locations, while giving her an extra action and getting it right back in her hand. Not to mention the resource and card boost from Drawing Thin. If you haven’t tried this combo with Drawing Thin to raise the test to help you fail, and Try and Try Again to get her signature or any other skill card back, check it out. She is excels at making lemons into lemonade!
Of course as with all things, they need to be out and in play for the magic to happen. Those two cards are what I mulligan hard for with her.