Ryunekes Battle Reports

By Ryuneke, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Actis Aces vs 6 Hyenas (Struts & Shells + 2 Tri-Fighters)

This time I wanted to try Aayla Secura instead of Shaak Ti. As much as I enjoyed flying Shaak Ti with Juke, I think she can run out of force pretty quick because of her ability, sense and IC (intuitive controls).

Anakin Skywalker (56)
Brilliant Evasion (2)
Predator (2)
Stealth Device (8)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (49)
Sense (5)
Predator (2)
Stealth Device (8)

Aayla Secura (51)
Brilliant Evasion (2)
Predator (2)
Stealth Device (8)
Total: 195

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The good thing here is that Obi-Wan can equip Sense. With 3 force charges he's the right pilot for this card.

Aayla is I5 as well which is pretty strong. I really like her ability. It's similiar to Concordia Faceoff. If an enemy ship is in her front arc at range 0-1, the defender can change a blank to a focus result. Having the force available you'll pretty much get an evade. The cool thing is that it works on other friendly ships as well (more on that later).

I also added Brilliant Evasion (never played it before but it's now "only" 2 points) which works well with Aaylas ability. An example: You have an evade token and roll 4 dice. The dice show blank, blank, focus, evade. If Aalyas ability triggers you change one blank to a focus. Then use Brilliant Evasion and spend the evade for 4 evades.


Setup: The Tri-Fighters had this strange, new Slam upgrade card euipped. Playing against Grappling Struts I usually place the rocks on the opponents side of the board. The Gas Clouds were in perfect position as well to cover my ships.


No Slam in the first round. Aayla will now turn again while Ani + Obi are trying to get a shot.


The red Tri slammed. Aalya was pretty happy about that. Anakin missed.

Now red is stressed and doesn't have many options. So Aayla can perform a purple tallon roll. Ani and Obi will stay defensive hiding behind the clouds.


The purple Tallon roll can be really strong as you can see here. Aayla boosted afterwards. She gets the bullseye and Cloud protection against yellow.

The Hyeanas can go straight or turn left to engage Aayla. My strategy remained the same. Use the clouds as a shield.

I forgot taking the picture of the upcoming round...


The Bombers turned. Aayla and Obi are finally in good flanking positions while Anakin is defensive.

This pciture shows the strength of IC. Without IC Aaylas position for the upcoming round is bad because all bombers can turn towards her. Having IC means she can boost to the left which could even block green, followed by a 5 straight to get behind the enemy formation and avoid incoming fire. Anakin will boost + 5 straight as well because I was afraid the Tri Fighter will k-turn. Obi will move 2 straight.


Obi bumped and activated his ability...half points on green.

Now I was really sure my opponent will follow Anakin. Because the yellow tri fighter will turn in and Obi has a lock on him, the Jedi will 1 turn to the right trying to deal some damage to it.


Surprise! The formation k-turned. Obi landed next to the cloud and took the evade. Obi attacked and I forgot using the lock :( . In this picture you can see the benefit of Aaylas ability: The blue Hyena is at range 1 of her. This means that Obi (while defending against blue) can change one blank to one focus result. I really like this ability because it's Aayla doesn't need to spend a force point to use is.

Obi dodged all the incoming fire.

Aayla will IC to barrel roll and then turn left. Obi will barrel roll left trying to block something and disengage later. I used Sense on the Tri-Fighter which dialed in a 2 bank to the right. This information helped Anakin who dialed in a 2 bank to the left. Now I used IC boosting him forward to arcdodge the Tri-Fighter later.


The last round: Anakin barrel rolled and arcdodged yellow while Aayla halved blue and has cloud protection against the incoming fire. Again Aaylas ability kicked in: Anakin would have been able to change a blank to a focus while defending against blue. Win 68-0


- I never played such a defensive list. You have to fly these guys really careful, disengage more often than you like.
- I will probably never win 200-x with this list. The lack of firepower is a problem... If you lose a ship early, it'll be nearly impossible to win this uphill battle.
- The list felt good. Never missed Shaak Ti. Because Sense is so important I think Obi is the right canditate for it. He has 3 force charges and the same initiative as Aayla.
- Aaylas ablity is pretty strong I suppose. Despite I never used it because my opponents dice didn't show any paint, I think it can really help keeping these 3 hull ships alive.
- As I first read about IC I wasn't sure what to think about it. Because I'm so used to double reposition after executing a maneuver I first thought that IC will be bad. After (just) 2 games playing the ETA, I think IC is really great. It makes the ETA one of the best disengagers and also one to the best knife fighters (if you want to knife fight with it ;) ) in the game.

I don't know which list is better. I appreciate any thoughts on that :)

Looking forward to the tournament this evening.

Edited by Ryuneke

I’d go with the aayla version for the tournament. Her defensive buff seemes really strong and as you point out getting sense on Obi helps out on the force conservation. Good luck tonight. Is the tournament on TTT?

@Samurai33 I did not participate at yesterdays tournament because I was too tired to play until the middle of the night.

So I played a single game.

Actis Aces vs. 5 Tri Fighters (3xI3's & 2xI5's)

Playing against 5 ships with a 3 dice gun is tough. So I was really curious how the ETA will do against them.


Setup: I think it's better to keep Obi and Ani at range 3 to each other to make the best out of their abilities. (As you can see in the picture I already messed up implementing this strategy :) )

I wanted to play a bit more aggressive this time.


He turned the 3 ships away from Obi.


I banked with Ani using him as bait. For the upcoming round Aayla will turn in while Obi will move straight. My thought process with Anakin being in this position: I wanted my opponent to believe that Anakin will boost left to hide behind the cloud. This could lead my opponent to the choice of 5 straight his 3 ships trying to catch Anakin. I dialed in a 3 bank to the right instead, boosting him right in the system phase to disengage. If it works I'm fine, if not Anakin will be in trouble.


It worked. Anakin and Obi dealt 2 damage into brown. Unfortunately Obi having 2 force + focus + evade wasn't able to produce 3 paint. He took the panicked pilot crit. With brown having a calcuate, Obi usually won't take any damage here (85% chance of 0 damage). But green dice will betray you and a double stressed Obi isn't great.

Now I wanted to bring Aayla in the flank of the 3 Tri's. I thought that he will 3 turn them around the cloud. Therefore Aayla will boost left using IC and turn in afterwards. Obi will run reducing his stress level.

Obi used Sense: Brown dialed in a 1 tallon roll to the right. Awesome! Anakin was able to boost forward to setup a block.


The block worked and Obi was save.

Unfortunately my opponent dialed in straight maneuvers for the 3 Tri Fighters...Aalya landed right in front of them. Luckily she didn't bump, so she was able to barrel roll dodging two arcs.

No picture from the upcoming round but I drew some arrows.


The right decision for Aayla would have been IC barrel roll left and turn in later. This would have blocked 2 of his ships. Aayla had the oppourtunity to kill brown but blanked.

And then it happened: I used Brilliant Evasion for the first time. Aayla rolled blank, blank, focus, focus against 3 hits from red. She used her evade and spent her last force changing both eyes to evade. Brilliant Evasion ftw. ;)


Now here's one of the closest maneuvers since I am playing online. I dialed in a pretty risky 2 purple tallon roll for Aayla because I was pretty sure yellow and green will turn. It fit :)


Yellow died. Now Obi can boost left and 5 straight to attack to disengage again and maybe block something.


Obi halved green. With 3 minutes left on the clock my opponent called it a game.


Another close one :) After Obi's boost he barely made it.


- The list took a single damage again. Could continue like that.
- The more I play this list the more I think that IC is really strong. The ability to setup blocks in the System Phase or to disengage is really powerful
- It's really hard playing this against so many 3 dice guns. Being too aggressive early on could have cost me the game
- Never used Aaylas ability but I still think she works better than Shaak Ti...
- Was able to use Obis ability 3 times which felt good. But still never used Anakins ability once in 3 games.


Yesterday 119 players rolled a lot of dice at Lima Open . I was curious to see how the new ships, especially the ETA will do. (tbh I hope no one is flying my list and the ETA won't win this thing because then we will start seeing it everywhere and I won't play it anymore <-- personal problem):

- 14 ETA Actis were played in total

- 2 ETA made cut

- Only 2 lists fielded just the Actis

- Most players equipped Autoblasters with Marksmanship . I thought about that loadout, too.

- What really surprised me is the fact that only 2 Actis had a Stealth Device equipped. Most of the other ETA's had a Shield Upgrade or no Modification.

- Only a single Actis had Sense

Really interesting. I was thinking more players will bring 3 of them.

Edited by Ryuneke

Thanks for the write-up. I think this list will really punish players who can’t or won’t run it primarily with a defensive mind set.

I was looking at the Lima open myself yesterday and I am more worried than ever for the rise of effectiveness in lists. The two bomber lists at top after Swiss seems like something that will really hamper aces/two-ship lists if it catches on.
On the good side the brobots (which I plan on flying a lot the next 6 months) made a solid performance- even if the pilot was one of the best German (world?) players.

Actis Aces vs Jango & Maul (or MUHHHH BRAIN!!!)

I played against Jango and Maul yesterday. I was pretty sure I’m gonna win this one because c’mon…my Jedi are unhittable.

As always I looked at my opponents list and saw this Jango build:

Jango Fett (79)

Autoblasters (3)

Count Dooku (10)

Proton Bombs (4)

Contraband Cybernetics (3)

Shield Upgrade (6)

Slave I (3)

Boba Fett (6)

Total: 114

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Had no more thoughts on this one. Just play like you always do.

Unfortunately I forgot taking pictures. If I did, you could actually see how bad I played. Before the first round of engagement I was in a pretty good position. But instead of blocking Jango, I turned Obi away from him and took an evade because MY JEDI ARE UNHITTABLE!!!! Jango approached and landed behind Obi-Wan at range 2. He used his Autoblaster, Dooku’d a crit and changed his hit into a crit with Slave One title. Obi took 2 unavoidable crits. What was I doing?

To make matters even worse, two rounds later I did the exact same thing again. This time with Anakin. Two crits went through…

Despite playing so badly I killed Maul and halved Jango. It was Aayla against Jango. I was even ahead on points and probably could have flown away to win this one but I found this unfair. So I engaged with Aayla and losing her in the end.

I really, really deserved this loss. Haven’t played so bad for a while. Even if it was „just“ a casual game, I have to play concentrated.

Winning games in X-Wing requires you to know what your opponents list is capable of. I am glad I learned this the hard way, again J

And btw., this Jango is really strong…especially against aces.

Actis Aces vs. Vader, Soontir, Turr Phennir (or MUHHHH DICE!!!!)

After playing so bad I wanted to play another game. I was glad that I found someone to play against...


Setup as usual. I want to stay near the obstacles. Aayla's in a good flanking position.


I forgot the picture so I used paint. Anakin landed at range 3 of Turr. Anakin took an evade. Turr rolled 3 hits. Anakin responded by rolling 4 blanks and one evade (I looked it up: It's a 3% chance for Anakin taking 1 dmg). I think you have to live with such results showing up again and again flying this list...

Then I tried to block Turr with a boost but failed by some pixels.


My ships ended up in decent positions. Anakin rolled 3 blanks and a hit, rerolled 1 dice into another blank. Aayla did the same against Soontir. Even if Obi get shot by 3 ships, he has a 75% chance of not taking any damage there which shows how strong the ETA's defense is. Unfortunately Vaders shot made me spent 1 force + the evade token. Soontir rolled a single hit and Obi blanked losing the SD. Turr rolled 2 hits and Obi produced one eyeball result. His last force point saved his life...

Ooooooh...starting the game like this was sooooo depressing. I really thought that I am over the MUHHHH DICE!!!! thing because I played Fenn Rau for such a long time. But I was so angry...

Choices: Obi is in a decent position to IC boost straight and 4k. This will block Turr and gives Obi a decent shot. Anakin and Aayla can start knife fighting by IC barrel rollin out and 1 turning back in.


Vader used Adv. Sensors so he locked Anakin before he tallon rolled. After Anakin executed his maneuver he used his ability to get rid off Vaders lock. It was the second time I used the ablity and it feels really great. Deleting a lock for a single force point is so strong. The fact that Obi can use it as well makes it even better.

Now my opponents dice failed. Soontir blanked against Anakin who rolled 2 hits+1 crit and Vader lost his two shields vs Aayla. Turr had no intention to roll evades as well and dropped down to 1hp.

Soontirs story is really sad: He has only 1hp remaining and suffered a loose stabilizer. This means that he has to execute a straight maneuver next round. This maneuver will definetely clip the debris in front of him giving him another stress so he can't repair the loose stabilizer. So he has to go straight again which means that he will fly off the board for sure. WTF?!

Now Aayla can block Vader while Anakin is able to line up the bullseye.


Obi sensed Vader and Aayla blocked. Anakin rolled 3 blanks and a hit again for no damage.

Choices: Thought about blocking Vaders 4k but with Adv. Sensors it's pretty much impossible so I dialed in a maneuver for Aayla that she didn't get shot. Anakin will 1 turn to threaten Vader.


I really did not think Turr will 4k. Luckily he missed his shot. The ETA defense finally showed up. Vader used Afterburners trying to block Anakin. Ani's move fit and he was even able to barrel roll. His shot though...did nothing.

Goodbye Soontir. F


Because Vader will run away. I tried attacking Turr here dialing in purple tallon rolls. I did a mistake with Obi going after Vader. Obi should have used IC followed by a 1 turn left to get a shot into Turr. On the other hand the IC barrel roll left to get range 1 for sense was a pretty nice combo. Turr bumped into Obi and his shot at him was obstructed. Obi rolled 2 hits vs Vader who blanked again...

Because Vader will 4k or tallon roll Obi's pretty save executing a 4k because he get cloud protection. Aayla will IC barrel roll right and 1 turn to get into a good position for a shot at Turr. Anaking could follow Vader but I was afraid of Turr setting up a block. Therefore I dialed in a 5 straight to get into Vaders flank.


Aayla rolled 4 hits and killed Turr. With Vader being at 1hp this game is pretty much over. Obi sensed Vader again and setup a block.


Vader goes BOOOM! 200-32


- Anakins ability is really powerful (especially against Vader)
- Brilliant Evasion triggered twice this game. I think it's the right upgrade for this ship if you have points left.
- I can't stress enough how strong and important Sense is. I setup many blocks and was able to get my ships into the right positions.
- Even if you have a rough start, don't give up. My ships took 3 damage early on but survived until the end without taking any more damage.
- I don't know what I can do about the fact that I'm so pissed about having bad dice sometimes...


(never saw such a bad luck score)


In all seriousness, however, I've found that just going full Autoblaster cancer with Anakin really helps maintain the damage output. I probably should equip Autos to Obi, but given that I fly him as the blocker/Sense enabler for Anakin, I just use Ion Cannon for a full arc of 3 red dice base. I've never had the courage to field a 3rd ETA in a list, so I've jumping around with various pieces, eventually settling on an ARC. The medium base and roll (with force to mod dice!) makes blocking that much easier, which of course mean that the ETA's take even less heat. And if the ARC starts taking damage, Plo's purple reinforce allows it to die that much slower.

Anakin Skywalker (ETA-2) (56)
Sense (5)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 76 Half Points: 38 Threshold: 2

Obi-Wan Kenobi (ETA-2) (49)
Sense (5)
Elusive (3)
Ion Cannon (6)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 71 Half Points: 36 Threshold: 2

104th Battalion Pilot (42)
Plo Koon (10)
Synchronized Console (1)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 5

Total: 200

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In the games that I've lost with it, I did notice that one of the contributing factors was over-reliance on Anakin for damage and thus getting behind in the damage race, so there's that. But I have too much fun with the current Obi build to trade him out or load him properly.

1 hour ago, Hoarder of Garlic Bread said:


In all seriousness, however, I've found that just going full Autoblaster cancer with Anakin really helps maintain the damage output. I probably should equip Autos to Obi, but given that I fly him as the blocker/Sense enabler for Anakin, I just use Ion Cannon for a full arc of 3 red dice base. I've never had the courage to field a 3rd ETA in a list, so I've jumping around with various pieces, eventually settling on an ARC. The medium base and roll (with force to mod dice!) makes blocking that much easier, which of course mean that the ETA's take even less heat. And if the ARC starts taking damage, Plo's purple reinforce allows it to die that much slower.

Anakin Skywalker (ETA-2) (56)
Sense (5)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 76 Half Points: 38 Threshold: 2

Obi-Wan Kenobi (ETA-2) (49)
Sense (5)
Elusive (3)
Ion Cannon (6)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 71 Half Points: 36 Threshold: 2

104th Battalion Pilot (42)
Plo Koon (10)
Synchronized Console (1)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 5

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Galactic Republic&d=v8ZsZ200Z441X75W125W232W364W166Y440X75W119W11WW166Y341XW325WWW211&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

In the games that I've lost with it, I did notice that one of the contributing factors was over-reliance on Anakin for damage and thus getting behind in the damage race, so there's that. But I have too much fun with the current Obi build to trade him out or load him properly.

Oh lord there are so many possibilities in listbuildung and loadout choices right now. And I think you're right that AutoAni might be the strongest build in a vacuum. In all of my games flying 3 ETA's I never had the problem of being behind in the damage race or that I have an uphill battle to fight. I know these things don't deal much damage but they don't take many damage as well. Playing 3 ETA loaded out nearly the same gives my opponent a tougher choice who he/she wants to attack first. I found that most players tend to go after Obi because he is my Sense carrier. I am totally fine with this. And even without Autoblasters the ETA hits pretty hard at range 1 with Predator.

I think if I see AutoAni across the table I want to get rid of him first.

And you should really play 3 ETA, it's a ton of fun and for sure a list that can beat neary everything.

42 minutes ago, Ryuneke said:

And you should really play 3 ETA, it's a ton of fun and for sure a list that can beat neary everything.

Are all of your games in this thread? Just curious if you've played against beef, swarms or much stuff with bombs. The emboldened part of the quote seems like a pretty, uh... bold statement. ;)

1 hour ago, Ryuneke said:

And you should really play 3 ETA, it's a ton of fun and for sure a list that can beat neary everything.

To clarify further, one of my losses with them was against Boba Emon. As a result of Emon's very strong area denial, I just didn't have a good vector so I couldn't make up the lost points from the ARC. But if I didn't have the 3rd body, the aces would be cornered very quickly.

I'll admit that my loss against Rebel Beef was on me, but the area denial by angry Wulff, bombing Dutch, and Crackshot Wedge in the list made things very claustrophobic.

9 hours ago, gennataos said:

Are all of your games in this thread? Just curious if you've played against beef, swarms or much stuff with bombs. The emboldened part of the quote seems like a pretty, uh... bold statement. ;)

You're right, that is a bold statement. I said that because when you play a list I think you rather quickly get a feeling if it is bad, good or really strong. After 7 games with this list (5 are in this thread) I think it can be really strong if you put enough reps in. It sure has some tough matchups (i.e. bombs). But I'd rather play this against swarms than any other aces list because IC makes these things nearly unblockable.

I also faced another CIS swarm lately. The potential to dance around behind gas clouds and to lure your opponent into certain positions is pretty powerful. I only killed two vultures but lost only 1hp. If your opponent can't focus fire he/she won't get any damage through. Having IC means you can block enemy ships in the system phase or get into a position where your opponent can't block your maneuver later. This is why I think the ship is so powerful. Oh yeah, and the Stealth Device. If it would lose the mod slot it becomes different ship 😉

What comes to my mind as well: The 3 ETA list requires a really defensive playstyle. But this isn't the way everybody wants or can play the game. I am still struggling with this as well.

Poetrey vs 5 Khiraxz

Lets put Overdrive Poe back to the table.

Rey (68)
Rose Tico (9)
Korr Sella (6)
Finn (9)
False Transponder Codes (2)
Shield Upgrade (4)
Rey’s Millennium Falcon (2)

Poe Dameron (62)
Outmaneuver (6)
R4 Astromech (2)
Ferrosphere Paint (4)
Overdrive Thruster (8)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Proton Torpedoes (12)
Total: 194

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I played against a fairly new X-Wing player. I was really happy to see someone's getting into the game lately.


Setup: Poe's so fast that he can run away from the Khiraxz if he needs to.


Poe overdrived barrel rolled left. He will 1 straight the upcoming round to see if the Khiraxz will turn or not. Then he got lots of choices on how to overdrive...


Two rounds later. The swarm decided to turn into the obstacle field. Poe won't turn in here because I found it a bit risky. He will bank instead. This means that the small asteroid in the middle of the board remains an actual obstacle for my opponent he has to consider.


Green shouldn't be there in that round. I took the photo a bit late :) Rey traded some shots for no damage on both sides. Again I don't want to turn in Poe. He has to keep his distance to the swarm so a 1 bank it is. Rey will go straight because the Khiraxz will probably bank towards her because they're stressed.


Poe used his Torps rolling 4 hits. The Khiraxz took 2 damage. Rey arcdodged red with a boost but wasn't able to get a shot, either.

Now everyone will probably try attacking Poe. Therefore the Flyboy will turn left and hit the gas to arcdodge at least 1-2 shots. Rey will turn in. She doesn't really care about the debris.


Green was ionized btw and landed on the rock. Overdrive Thrusters saved the day. Poe will bank again to get some distance to the swarm. Rey will Segnors loop to stay behind the swarm.


Here's why Overdrive Thrusters are so good and a ton of fun to play. This is the position Poe ended up after he 2 banked. Without OT he will suffer lots of damage there. It took me some time figuiring out what the correct OT move is: Poe barrel rolled right and than 2 boosted right. I really wasn't sure if he's able to dodge all the arcs that way.


He was. Awesome :) (Rey destroyed green in the meantime)


Rey finally ended up in a bad spot and lost her first shield. My opponent did the right decision here turning all of his ships around. Poe disengaged, locked red and 2 barrel rolled. Now he is in a good position to get back into the fight the upcoming round. Rey will turn in trying to bump into a Khiraxz to avoid at least one attack.


Red died. My opponents dice were pretty cold. Rey only lost a single shield.


Rey bumped again but I was fine with that. My target priority was bad because I split my fire.

Poe can 1 bank right without getting in trouble while Rey tries to bank again.


Poe had to boost but wasn't able to kil brown with Reys help. Rey lost her last shields.


The last round. Rey segnors looped and boosted straight. She finally destroyed brown. Poe dodged the incoming fire again. Win


- Oh Poe...I love you!
- OT is really strong. Giving Poe the Proton Torps was the right decision because he can fly around with his Wings closed most of the time. This means that he can barrel roll every round.
- Ferrosphere Paint did nothing...well actually my opponent wasn't able to lock me once. He had the bullseye arc in every other situation. So I think I should put Black One back on Poe. Having the title would have made things a lot easier in the situation where he got cornered.
- False Transponder Codes needs more testing. It did nothing in this match. Contraband instead would have helped a lot instead.
- All in all Rey is a way better wingman for Poe than Han.

Poetry vs Academy/Baron Swarm

It was the final league game before cut starts. you can watch this game on (a german) stream.


Conclusion :

- Poe and Rey are really struggling against so many ships because you actually have to kill lots of ships before Rey dies. Rey is not an arc dodger so she will die sooner or later.
- I had a good start but Rey suffered a lot of damage in one round what I didn’t expected.
- the mistake I made that cost me the game was not dialing in a segnors loop. Rey bumped again without having a shot. The segnors loop would have put her in a good position and she would have survived.
- no more false transponder codes. Contraband is way better on Rey

The biggest challenge

3 ETA Actis are difficult to play. But having 9 hitpoints seemed a bit much for me :) Because I love two ship lists and the new ETA, I built they craziest list I have ever flown.

Anakin Skywalker (56)
Precognitive Reflexes (13)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R2-A6 (6)
Stealth Device (8)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (49)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)
Stealth Device (8)
Total: 175

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Two ships with only 6hp and a 25 point bid, that's what I love about this game. These ships are the most mobile and squirrelly pieces the game has to offer. Even Guri struggels to keep up with them. And this is what makes this list so hard to play. Guri/Fenn is tough because you have only two ships and one of them is a brain****. But Guri and Fenn can both take a beating and still win games. With double Actis you have two ships that have more options than Guri so it's an even bigger brain**** while they shouldn't suffer any damage. Looking at the meta makes things even more complicated; swarms, turrets and beefy lists are everywhere.

Because of their pilot abilities Ani and Obi are the right choices looking at the pilots the ETA has to offer. They also have 3 force. Supernatural and Precognitive Reflexes allow them to do whatever they want. Repositioning in the system phase and before you execute your maneuver is insane. The list has some serious issueswhen it comes to damage output. Therefore I put Autoblaster and Marksmanship (+R7-A7) on them. If your end up in the right spot and line up the bullseye, you can really cripple your opponents ships pretty hard. I already talked about the importance of Stealth Device on these ships so it's there as well.

I played two games yesterday.

Psycho Mactis vs Kylo, Vonreg, 2 Epsilon Cadets

Every I6 is a threat for Obi so I had to be really careful.


Setup. I already have no idea what to do :)

After the frist couple of rounds I was overwhelmed by the amount of options and decisions I had to consider. I struggeled so hard and played really bad. Anakin lost his Stealth Device by clipping a debris field and rolling a crit. But I was able to half a Tie/FO early on without suffering more damage.


The best round in the game. Obi Wan supernaturaled around the rock, 2 turned towards Kylo and barrel rolled out. Vonregs shot missed and Obi rolled 1 crit, 1 hit and 2 eyeballs. Using his focus+marksmanship+R7-A7 converts everything into 3 crits + 1 hit. Kylo could only defend against the hit and suffered 3 unavoidable crits and dropped down to half points. What a feeling!


The last round. Every time these ETA's get shot you start sweating real hard :) The FO missed and I won the game suffering only 1 damage.

To sum this game up:

It's the most stressful list I've ever played. I did so many mistakes: Forgot R2-A6, spent force way to aggressive, k-turned to often, and so on. But on the other hand it was the most fun I had recently playing this game (I would say it's as satisfying as Guri/Fenn is). I think getting good with this list is my biggest X-Wing challenge

Phil CG has taken this exact list to two tournaments (lastly the Polish nationals this weekend) and dropped from both half way through swiss IIRC. If it is too hard for him, how can us mere mortals expect to do well.....

Edited by Samurai33

1 hour ago, Samurai33 said:

Phil CG has taken this exact list to two tournaments (lastly the Polish nationals this weekend) and dropped from both half way through swiss IIRC. If it is too hard for him, how can us mere mortals expect to do well.....

Playing, Failing, Learning, Winning!

But you are absolutely right. This list is brutal.

The second game I played yesterday was againt Sun Fac and Jango. Obi Wan was basically useless in this game because of two i6's across the table. So it was Ani against those two and he did fairly well. I played pretty bad and did some mistakes here and there but was able to win the game in the end by halving Sun...

But yeah....time will tell

Btw. Phil dropped because his PC died

Edited by Ryuneke
10 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

But having 9 hitpoints seemed a bit much for me

Loved this quote! 🤣 😁

Psycho Mactis vs. BBXA

Anakin Skywalker (56)
Precognitive Reflexes (13)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R2-A6 (6)
Stealth Device (8)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (49)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)
Stealth Device (8)
Total: 175

I took a lot of photos and want to write an extensive battle report about this game. I hope this report will show you why this list is so hard to play and that one single mistake can cost you the game.

Braylen, Ten and Luke have a ton of mods so I had to play really careful.


Setup: I want to draw the B-Wings through the rocks while putting pressure on Luke and the A. I have no preffered first target here (maybe Luke?); instead I'll take what I get.


Two rounds later. My gameplan for this round:
I want to attack Luke here. If he banks, Anakin will turn to get a shot and Obi will stay at range 3 of him by 2 straight. If Luke turns towads Anakin, Ani will hide behind the clould while Obi will Supernatural into Lukes flank.

Thinking about all the different options I had to consider that turn made my brain melt.


Anakin missed the bullseye because I barrel rolled backwards instead of forward while using precog. I barrel rolled Obi right to stay at range 3 of Luke. First damage on Ten.

Gameplan for the upcoming round: Anakin will ignore the A and keep attacking Luke. I dialed in a 2 bank for him. If Luke turns or banks towards Obi, Anakin is right behind him. If Luke k-turns what is possible, Anakin is in his flank. If Luke turns towards Anakin, the Jedi (or Sith) will fly over him. I thought about Obi's move a long time here and ended up with a 5 straight because this won't get him into trouble. Because If my opponents turns every ship towards Obi, he created a huge killbox where I can't escape, even with SR. Thoughts are welcome :)


Luke did the k-turn and Anakin landed in a perfect position. Luke lost his shields. Obi's disengage was sucessfull as well.

Options: Obi will turn right to avoid Lukes shot and to get behind Braylen (yellow). I was also a bit afraid of turning Anakin in to follow Luke. So I dialed in a fast maneuver for him.


I was glad Ani didn't turned in towards the middle.

Options: The A-Wing is far away. Braylen is still stressed and Luke has to fly over the cloud. Obi's position is excellent for a 3 turn in. If Luke is moving straight, Obi can use SR to barrel roll out to keep his distance. Anakin could turn in as well but if Luke, Ten and the A are all turning towards him, he could be in trouble. So I decided to disengage once more using IC boost left + 5 straight.


Looking at the board state Anakin could have turned in. Autoblaster+Marksmaship+R7-A7 makes Obi a killer. 3 unavoidable crits went into Lukes hull who barely survived.

Option: Ani can disengage once more but I decided to perform a force tallon roll because Luke has only 1 hp left and couldn't fly over the cloud because of structural damage (the obtacle would have killed him). I dialed in a 1 turn left for Obi which was the wrong decision. He might get shot twice there and his position is bad for the upcoming round. More on that later.


Luke died. Obi took an evade dodging all the incoming fire (3 force + evade gave him a 90% chance of taking no damage against Braylen and Ten who both had mods)

Now here's the problem: Obi's position is bad. He's facing towards the board edge and can only turn left or right. The B's can cover both positions.

Here's what happened:


I dialed in the 2 turn left and barrel rolled right. Unfortunately I misjudged distances so both B's were able to shoot. Obi lost 1hp and his stealth device :( What made things even worse: Obis position was super bad for the upcoming round. See, doing a single mistake will most likely cost you the game

Remember: If you're flying the ETA and you're not sure if you can make it out of range then just take an evade. You'll probalby not taking damage. (Obi's chance of taking 0 damage was still at 59% but that wasn't enough).

Now here is what I should have done:


SR boost left + 2 turn + barrel roll out. If I would have done it this way Obi would have dodged at least one shot. But more improtantly his position for the upcoming round is good.

Option 2:


Disengage the round before. I think that would have been the right decision over all.

There are a lot of other things I could have done, of course. You can tell me, if you like. Would appreciate it. :)


I was really lucky in the end because Ten couldn't bank while Braylen didn't bank as well. Obi arcdodge both B's.

Options: Time to run and recover force. I was pretty sure my opponent won't k-turn here. Nevertheless Anakin prepared for the k-turn. He IC rolled right and I dialed in a fast move with the Precog option boosting right. If the B's turn left, Anakin will land right behind them.


Messed up with Obi again by clipping the cloud. He dodged the incoming fire by the luck of the dice (he could have even died here). Anakin made it behind the B's and stripped some shields.

Options: Obi will disengage once more while you just dial in a 2 turn for Anakin and use R2-A6 to get the bullseye later.


Braylen took his first damage card. Now Obi is finally in a save position an is able to use SR and 3 turn next round without getting in trouble.

I had no idea what to do with Anakin. Ten will k-turn or tallon roll and Braylen will go slow. I used IC to barrel roll him right and then dial in a straight move....my brain hurts!


Anakin dodged as expected. Now Ten can't do much and Brayle will k-turn so Anakin will overshoot by executing a 5 straight. Obi's position is excellent for using SR to barrel roll and 1 turning left.


Obi had not bullseye but R7-A7 triggered so the A-Wing lost his first shield.

Obi is in a good position to attack the A again. Anakin will now do a purple tallon roll trying to kill a B-Wing.


Obi aligned the bullseye and rolled 3 crits with all of his mods. The A didn't even had to roll dice-brutal! Ani halved Ten Numb and is now able to kill Braylen the upcoming round. Again, dial in a 2 turn and do whatever you want.


Braylen goes BOOOM!


The intention of this batrep was to show you how strong this list can be but also how super fragile it is. I also wanted to demonstrate why I struggle so hard flying this. There are just too many options to consider. BUT: I can't explain how much fun I have flying this.

I did less k-turns this time which I should remember for future games.

My opponent had 13 shots, I shot 11 times. But only 2 of his shots had a chance of more than 20% of dealing damage which is why I think that I played decent overall.

Autoblaster + Marksmanship is necessary for this list because you won't deal damage otherwise. Especially Obi is a damage machine and can kill ships pretty fast.

I am curious what you think about this game.

Until next time!

Edited by Ryuneke

Guri/Fenn vs. Bossk, M3A, L337 and Torani Kulda

Just a short batrep this time. I really wanted to play Guri again.

Playing against Bossk is tricky. The bounty hunter is really predictable but still has a 180 arc and hits like a truck. Especially Fenn has to careful to not get one shot. Torani is my first target in this one because she is easy to kill and rather expensive. So trade Fenn for Torani + X.


Because Torani's flying along the board edge I sent Fenn after her pretty aggressive. Guri stays behind to react on the boardstate.

Fenn moved around the gas cloud where he met Torani. Guri followed Fenn and Torani took 4 damage while Fenn suffered 1 damage. The M3A had an Ion Torpedo euqipped but had to shoot through the gas cloud to hit Guri. My opponents dice were cold, no ionized Guri.


Torani bumped into Fenn. Fenn moved 5 straight and boosted. The second Ion Torpedo went into Fenn. He took only one more damage.

Now Fenn can turn in and kill something with Guri's help. I thought about Guris move a long time. I considered a segnors loop, a one turn left and so on. I set the dial to a one bank right because Torani can't k-turn so he won't be a problem for her. If Bossk turns in he has to shoot through the cloud if he wants to attack Guri.


Bossk went 2 straight to block Guris barrel roll. The M3-A banked right as well. Guri used AS and executed the maneuver. Bye L337.

Now I had to sent both Aces after Torani.


Torani died and Bossk killed Fenn (what was expected). I was pretty happy because I fulfilled my gamplan.

There's nearly nothing Bossk and the M3a can do against Guri if you don't make any crucial mistake.


Guri dodged some incoming shots.


The last round. No dead Genesis but still won the game :)


- Still my favorite list of all time. Guri is the coolest ship in the game
- To play this list on a high level you have to play it regularly
- I think you can do well with this list no matter how the meta looks like but winning big tournaments with it is nearly impossible

Maybe I should focus on 2 lists...to really become good at them. Guri/Fenn + the ETA's?

I’m always rooting for you playing Guri/Fenn, and I’d dare you to take a few more spins with the bro bots (so I can learn more), then thirdly the ETA’s either 3 or two ship version.

A new format??

Hey guys, I want to try out something new. My intention is to make all of us better X-Wing players :)

I will post pictures of my latest batrep step by step.

Then it's your turn: Just write under the post what you would dial in. It doesn't matter if you're "setting dials" for my opponents or my ships. Maybe we can have a little discussion. After some time I will tell you what I did and post the picture of the next round. Then we'll see how everyone would have done.

I'll start with the game I had yesterday. No worries if you don't want to participate and if you're not intereste. I will then continue writing battle reports as usual.

Guri/Fenn vs. Soontir, Grand Inqi., Whisper

A good matchup for Guri/Fenn. Trade Fenn for Soontir and clean up with Guri.


Setup: I try to threaten Inqi + Whisper with Guri while Fenn gets the flank.


We'll begin at the start of round 2.

What would you do and why?

Edited by Ryuneke

I am not comfortable with this playstyle, but I'm game to try. In this situation, with the intention to flank and trade Fenn, I'd send him 5-straight/boost. Guri dials in a 1-bank left, to AdSen whatever makes sense in response to the opponent's list - whether that's a barrel roll right and back to maintain distance and obstacle coverage or a boost to get into a stronger flank.

I would expect to see your opponent try to go all in on one of your ships - and my first instinct is that they will try to corral Guri in the corner while maintaining an angle (probably with Whisper?) to threaten Fenn's approach. But it would almost make more sense for that to be a feint, and to actually turn everyone in on Fenn to simply wipe him out quickly and early. Either way, Fenn would still have some distance, but be at the ready to pounce in Turn Four. And Guri would have some cover, with virtually every maneuver option still available for Turn Four herself.

3 L Bank+Boost or BR with Fenn, and he can use that cloud as a watershed. If they turn on him, then it means that they completely put their backs to Guri.

Stall still with Guri. 1 Fwd. Modified with Boost or BR as needed.

Edited by JBFancourt

round 2

I would keep with the flank on fenn 3 L bank + L barrel roll for cloud cover if they turn on fenn or R Barrel roll to flank if they don't. It looks as though they are aiming for guri atm so adv sens bank left barrel roll and 1 R hard with guri, this lets you do a 3 L Bank to combine with afterburners if they turn on Fenn and if they continue to go after guri a adv sens R barrel roll away

As you probably heard, the official forum will close at the end of january. My heart is bleeding right now.

I will create an online blog to continue posting battle reports and an archive containing all previously written batreps.

Thanks for reading my content, you guys are awesome.

Edited by Ryuneke

My new blog is online:


I would appreciate it to see you guys there.

(Sorry for not being able to continue with my "new format" idea)