LAAT ARC Beefy Rerolls

By Scizzler, in X-Wing Squad Lists

(54) "Warthog" [Laat/i Gunship]
(5) Ghost Company
(3) "Fives"
Points: 62

(48) "Jag" [ARC-170 Starfighter]
Points: 48

(44) Squad Seven Veteran [ARC-170 Starfighter]
Points: 44

(44) Squad Seven Veteran [ARC-170 Starfighter]
Points: 44

Total points: 198

It’s all about beef and rerolls. Warthog makes sure your ships get a shot in the engagement phase before they go poof, Fives can get you the focus token or evade if you bump ghost squad let’s you take 2 possible shots, and the ARCs are stellar for the points as usual. Since they are all pilot skill 3, being able to alternate who you activate can be a nice advantage as well. Let me know if you guys have any input.

I look at the core: Warthog + 3 ARC at I3, and think it looks pretty solid.

Ghost Company and Fives is one way to go. Double-attacks are probably good, even if they're just 2-dice attacks. Yeah, the more I think about it, Ghost Company is probably worth the cost on a ship like a LAAT that is already going to struggle with it's own offense.

Anyhow, I'm mixed on Jag + Fives, and have a different alternative to consider. Wolfpack and 4x Synchronized Console. This kind of turns every ship in the list into Jag. I dunno. Maybe it's not worth it, since the LAAT has some rerolls, but maybe it is, since after turn 1, the LAAT only has a single reroll to give, and slinging around a few Locks might be able to help the dice significantly.

Eh, just something to think about. And if there's only 2 points to spare in the above list, I'd strongly consider filling them with Dedicated. If the Squad 7 Veterans are ignored, you can help boost the defenses of Jag and Warthog a bit. It's not huge, but seems like a worthwhile use of the points.

12 minutes ago, theBitterFig said:

I look at the core: Warthog + 3 ARC at I3, and think it looks pretty solid.

Ghost Company and Fives is one way to go. Double-attacks are probably good, even if they're just 2-dice attacks. Yeah, the more I think about it, Ghost Company is probably worth the cost on a ship like a LAAT that is already going to struggle with it's own offense.

Anyhow, I'm mixed on Jag + Fives, and have a different alternative to consider. Wolfpack and 4x Synchronized Console. This kind of turns every ship in the list into Jag. I dunno. Maybe it's not worth it, since the LAAT has some rerolls, but maybe it is, since after turn 1, the LAAT only has a single reroll to give, and slinging around a few Locks might be able to help the dice significantly.

Eh, just something to think about. And if there's only 2 points to spare in the above list, I'd strongly consider filling them with Dedicated. If the Squad 7 Veterans are ignored, you can help boost the defenses of Jag and Warthog a bit. It's not huge, but seems like a worthwhile use of the points.

Dedicated never even crossed my mind, thanks for the heads up! As far as Wolfpack I’ll have to give it a shot.

30 minutes ago, theBitterFig said:

I look at the core: Warthog + 3 ARC at I3, and think it looks pretty solid.

Ghost Company and Fives is one way to go. Double-attacks are probably good, even if they're just 2-dice attacks. Yeah, the more I think about it, Ghost Company is probably worth the cost on a ship like a LAAT that is already going to struggle with it's own offense.

Anyhow, I'm mixed on Jag + Fives, and have a different alternative to consider. Wolfpack and 4x Synchronized Console. This kind of turns every ship in the list into Jag. I dunno. Maybe it's not worth it, since the LAAT has some rerolls, but maybe it is, since after turn 1, the LAAT only has a single reroll to give, and slinging around a few Locks might be able to help the dice significantly.

Eh, just something to think about. And if there's only 2 points to spare in the above list, I'd strongly consider filling them with Dedicated. If the Squad 7 Veterans are ignored, you can help boost the defenses of Jag and Warthog a bit. It's not huge, but seems like a worthwhile use of the points.

This looks really nice, but if you are going for target lock shenanigans why not concussion missiles for Warthog instead of ghost company? That way you can pass him a lock to fire the missiles, reroll with his ability and pass the lock to another one.

Here's a different take on it. Wolfpack doesn't have to be on the LAAT... leaving room for Cody to soften two targets up before the double modded ARCs attack.

"Warthog" (54)
Ghost Company (5)
Clone Commander Cody (4)

Ship total: 63 Half Points: 32 Threshold: 5

Squad Seven Veteran (44)
Wolfpack (4)

Ship total: 48 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 5

Squad Seven Veteran (44)
Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 5

Squad Seven Veteran (44)
Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 5

Total: 199

Edited by Cerebrawl
1 hour ago, xanatos135 said:

This looks really nice, but if you are going for target lock shenanigans why not concussion missiles for Warthog instead of ghost company? That way you can pass him a lock to fire the missiles, reroll with his ability and pass the lock to another one.

Could be worth trying. I've only done it some on the computer, but Conc Missiles on a ship like Scum Han has seemed worthwhile to me.

Ion Missiles, too, could be nice, if tight on points. 3 dice Ion > 2 dice, IMHO, for a cheap long-range boost.

43 minutes ago, Cerebrawl said:

Wolfpack doesn't have to be on the LAAT...

Also a great point.

1 hour ago, Scizzler said:

Dedicated never even crossed my mind, thanks for the heads up!

It used to be way to pricey. Now, well... it's OK, since it's so cheap. A defensive reroll is only worth about 3/8 of an evade, so it's nice if there are spare points, but could be skipped, and should probably be one of the first cuts.

I’ve been doing this list. For HS, drop Wolfpack and Cody, then upgrade to Squad Sevens with R4P across the board.

(54) "Warthog" [Laat/i Gunship]
(3) "Fives"
(5) Ghost Company
(4) Clone Commander Cody
Points: 66

(42) 104th Battalion Pilot [ARC-170 Starfighter]
(4) Wolfpack
Points: 46

(42) 104th Battalion Pilot [ARC-170 Starfighter]
(2) R4-P Astromech
Points: 44

(42) 104th Battalion Pilot [ARC-170 Starfighter]
(2) R4-P Astromech
Points: 44

Total points: 200

  • Warthog: Cody + Ghost Company
  • Squad Seven Veteran: Dedicated
  • Squad Seven Veteran: Dedicated
  • Ric Olié: Daredevil

Id rather have one pocket ace in this setup. You can joust with LAAT and Arcs while Ric threatens the flank. Ideally each of your ships shoots with three dice. So you can have those rerolls matter from the LAAT.

The LAAT is a pure support in this squad, taking a Focus and trying to spread some Strains for the Arcs to abuse.

1 hour ago, Schanez said:
  • Warthog: Cody + Ghost Company
  • Squad Seven Veteran: Dedicated
  • Squad Seven Veteran: Dedicated
  • Ric Olié: Daredevil

Id rather have one pocket ace in this setup. You can joust with LAAT and Arcs while Ric threatens the flank. Ideally each of your ships shoots with three dice. So you can have those rerolls matter from the LAAT.

The LAAT is a pure support in this squad, taking a Focus and trying to spread some Strains for the Arcs to abuse.

I'm sceptical about the points dedicated to... Dedicated in a triple 1-green list with an ace that spends most of the time zooming through the battlefield approaching targets from odd angles. Especially with Daredevil, I'd much rather bring a R4-P with Ric to make sure performing a DD boost isn't a dead giveaway where I'm going to end up next turn.

3 hours ago, Schanez said:
  • Warthog: Cody + Ghost Company
  • Squad Seven Veteran: Dedicated
  • Squad Seven Veteran: Dedicated
  • Ric Olié: Daredevil

Id rather have one pocket ace in this setup. You can joust with LAAT and Arcs while Ric threatens the flank. Ideally each of your ships shoots with three dice. So you can have those rerolls matter from the LAAT.

The LAAT is a pure support in this squad, taking a Focus and trying to spread some Strains for the Arcs to abuse.

Not sure I understand why the Squad Sevens over 104ths. Just to take dedicated? Not with the points IMO. Something like this feels more efficient and leans on @Ryfterek ’s point to put R4P on Ric

(54) "Warthog" [Laat/i Gunship]
(3) "Fives"
(5) Ghost Company
(4) Clone Commander Cody
Points: 66

(42) 104th Battalion Pilot [ARC-170 Starfighter]
Points: 42

(42) 104th Battalion Pilot [ARC-170 Starfighter]
Points: 42

(45) Ric Olié [Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter]
(2) R4-P Astromech
(2) Daredevil
Points: 49

Total points: 199

I've had success with the below list. I had Fives on originally and the ARC's had the R4-P but I didn't use all the much in the games I played. So I switched to below. Cody to possibly hand out two strains with ghost company to soften up for the ARC's & torrents. I've been debating if the two torrents or just another ARC is better. I've had success with both and making your opponent shoot at another ship usually is the way to go I feel.

"Warthog" (54)
Ghost Company (5)
Clone Commander Cody (4)
Hull Upgrade (3)

104th Battalion Pilot (42)

104th Battalion Pilot (42)

Gold Squadron Trooper (25)

Gold Squadron Trooper (25)

Total: 200

This is the next list I want to try. I think it could be a decent build. Obi can give Warthog back his focus to trigger ghost.

"Warthog" (54)
Ghost Company (5)
Clone Commander Cody (4)

104th Battalion Pilot (42)

104th Battalion Pilot (42)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (49)
Calibrated Laser Targeting (4)

Total: 200

1 hour ago, Boba Fatt said:

I had Fives on originally and the ARC's had the R4-P but I didn't use all the much in the games I played.

Oooof I gotta think Fives has more upside than a hull upgrade for the same cost. With such few shields you’ll pile on some crits and moving that focus on him will help plenty when you’re having to clear crits or take a reinforce.

As for R4-Ps, there are definitely games where I don’t get to use both or even one charge on a single Arc but the ones that do use it are fantastic. A 4-k that can be followed up by a blue three bank is clutch. Or using that white 4 straight to get out of trouble. Even if you don’t get to use all the charges, it’s an extra something your opponent has to think about when trying to anticipate your movements.

My list currently:

Warthog Swarmet

(44) Ahsoka Tano [Delta-7 Aethersprite]
(15) Delta-7B
Points: 59

(54) "Warthog" [Laat/i Gunship]
(5) Ghost Company
(3) "Fives"
(4) Clone Commander Cody
Points: 66

(25) Gold Squadron Trooper [V-19 Torrent Starfighter]
Points: 25

(25) Gold Squadron Trooper [V-19 Torrent Starfighter]
Points: 25

(25) Gold Squadron Trooper [V-19 Torrent Starfighter]
Points: 25

Total points: 200

2 hours ago, JBFancourt said:

My list currently:

Warthog Swarmet

(44) Ahsoka Tano [Delta-7 Aethersprite]
(15) Delta-7B
Points: 59

(54) "Warthog" [Laat/i Gunship]
(5) Ghost Company
(3) "Fives"
(4) Clone Commander Cody
Points: 66

(25) Gold Squadron Trooper [V-19 Torrent Starfighter]
Points: 25

(25) Gold Squadron Trooper [V-19 Torrent Starfighter]
Points: 25

(25) Gold Squadron Trooper [V-19 Torrent Starfighter]
Points: 25

Total points: 200

This is interesting. I like the idea of passing a focus or rotate over to a reinforced warthog.

7 hours ago, kempokid said:

This is interesting. I like the idea of passing a focus or rotate over to a reinforced warthog.

Passing out 2 strains plus storing focuses in case you bump is also very nice. 😁 👍

8 hours ago, kempokid said:

This is interesting. I like the idea of passing a focus or rotate over to a reinforced warthog.

Wouldn't that reinforced Warthog be stressed and unable to perform any action?

1 hour ago, xanatos135 said:

Wouldn't that reinforced Warthog be stressed and unable to perform any action?
