Steelhand adept, Far Strike, Repulsor Fist

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Far Strike (a talent in steelhand adept) let's tou make a brawl attack as a ranged attack, you add your force dice to the pool and can spend pips to increase the range of the attack to a maximum of long

Repulsor fist is a brawl attack, 8 damage, concussive, slow firing 2.

Could a steelhand adept with the far strike talent use it on a repulsor fist blast to hit someone at up long range and concussive them (lose an action on their next turn)?

Also if you have the enhance force power with brawl upgrade can you use it to add successes or advantage (to activate concussive)?


Per RAW, yes. The long text of Far Strike only mentions "Brawl", not "Unarmed".

Basically, you use the Force to transfer the effect telekinetically to the target.

In other words: Go for it! Sounds cool.


Follow up question would parry or reflect be used by the target of the attack, I'm guessing reflect.

Reflect. It's treated as a Ranged Attack.


3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Follow up question would parry or reflect be used by the target of the attack, I'm guessing reflect.



"Parry: When the character suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber combat check..."

"Reflect: When the character suffers a hit from a Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery combat check..."

Next question. If the character picked up the doctor spec and pressure point, could that be used with a far striked repulsor fist blast?

Pressure Points:

"These checks cannot be made with any weapons."

19 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:

Pressure Points:

"These checks cannot be made with any weapons."

But you could regular far strike a pressure point (not a repulsor fist blast)?

6brawn steelhand adept/doctor green nikto with 5 ranks in medicine could do 12 strain base damage that ignores soak at range against organics, while being unarmed. Get a deadly accuracy and 5 ranks of brawl puts it at 17 base damage, through martial grace and 5 ranks of coordination you're doing 22 base damage

Edited by EliasWindrider

Yes. It just requires you to be unarmed.

Um what's the difficulty of using far strike? Is it a flat 2 purple (before upgrades and setback) or does it scale with distance like ranged(light)? Does the target's melee or ranged defense apply?

3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Um what's the difficulty of using far strike? Is it a flat 2 purple (before upgrades and setback) or does it scale with distance like ranged(light)? Does the target's melee or ranged defense apply?

If it lets you make the attack "as a ranged attack" then the difficulty would be the same as Ranged (Light/Heavy) and personal Gunnery. And Ranged Defense would apply.

The Ranged/Melee Defense is a debatable point, but the one says "ranged attacks" and the other says "close combat attacks" then they both give examples of combat skills in parentheses, but those are examples, not rules.

Can superior be applied to a repulsor fist since it's a brawl weapon?

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Can superior be applied to a repulsor fist since it's a brawl weapon?

If it's got the HP for it.


Per RAW, I don't think so, as it is a cybernetic with 0 Hard Points.

However, in the game I run, I allowed a player to use Tinkerer to add a Hard Point, and then add Superior. It hasn't broken the game, even with allowing Jury-Rigged to reduce his Slow-Firing from 2 to 1.

3 hours ago, salamar_dree said:


Per RAW, I don't think so, as it is a cybernetic with 0 Hard Points.

However, in the game I run, I allowed a player to use Tinkerer to add a Hard Point, and then add Superior. It hasn't broken the game, even with allowing Jury-Rigged to reduce his Slow-Firing from 2 to 1.

I was thinking adding a hard point by "reverse engineering" (fully operational)

also read jury rigged again... it can reduce the advantage cost of any other quality by 1... it can't reduce slow firing (i checked)

4 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I was thinking adding a hard point by "reverse engineering" (fully operational)

also read jury rigged again... it can reduce the advantage cost of any other quality by 1... it can't reduce slow firing (i checked)

Reverse Engineering works, but usually only if the item in question needed to have a Mechanics check made on it, and only if a Triumph is rolled. (As someone who just had to make 3 Mechanics checks in a row in a pbp to fix my ship, that is far from guaranteed. Even upgrading one check, I didn't get a single Triumph on a combined 10 Proficiency dice!)

As for Jury-Rigged: It was a loose interpretation of the, "or any single other effect by one, to a minimum of one".

Due to the wording of it, you are correct: It specifically refers to the Advantage cost, but I saw no harm, and it is far less game-breaking than Jury-Rigging Autofire (which is legal per RAW, but most groups ban it for good reason).

My player has had it on his Repulsor Fist for over 30 sessions, and it usually only allows him to use it one additional time during a combat. It might be more problematic when combined with Far Strike, as you don't need to move into engaged.

Of course, if other characters have Lightsabers, it doesn't seem unbalanced at all.

Still, it would have to be a house ruling.


8 hours ago, salamar_dree said:

Reverse Engineering works, but usually only if the item in question needed to have a Mechanics check made on it, and only if a Triumph is rolled. (As someone who just had to make 3 Mechanics checks in a row in a pbp to fix my ship, that is far from guaranteed. Even upgrading one check, I didn't get a single Triumph on a combined 10 Proficiency dice!)

As for Jury-Rigged: It was a loose interpretation of the, "or any single other effect by one, to a minimum of one".

Due to the wording of it, you are correct: It specifically refers to the Advantage cost, but I saw no harm, and it is far less game-breaking than Jury-Rigging Autofire (which is legal per RAW, but most groups ban it for good reason).

My player has had it on his Repulsor Fist for over 30 sessions, and it usually only allows him to use it one additional time during a combat. It might be more problematic when combined with Far Strike, as you don't need to move into engaged.

Of course, if other characters have Lightsabers, it doesn't seem unbalanced at all.

Still, it would have to be a house ruling.


the mastery upgrade to manipulate force power 2 force dice and the willingness to accept conflict guarantees a triumph, as does valuable facts from an ally.... and arranging for a mechanics check (e.g. to repair damage) isn't hard.

Edited by EliasWindrider