Spectres, again

By Cpt ObVus, in X-Wing Squad Lists


(72) Hera Syndulla [VCX-100 Light Freighter]
(12) Kanan Jarrus
(1) "Zeb" Orrelios
(3) Intimidation
(0) Ghost
(5) Ion Cannon Turret
Points: 93

(40) Ezra Bridger [Attack Shuttle]
(0) Phantom
(5) Ion Cannon Turret
Points: 45

(28) Sabine Wren [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 28

(32) AP-5 [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]
(1) "Chopper"
Points: 33

Total points: 199

So, I think I tried doing this many months ago (couldn’t be bothered to find the thread again, and anyway, points changed), but I’m trying to make the most competitive list possible that contains the following: ALL of the Spectre team (Chopper, Ezra, Zeb, Sabine, Kanan, Hera, AP-5), The Ghost and at least one of (and preferably BOTH of) the Phantom shuttles (yes, I know they never existed together, don’t care), and hopefully, Sabine’s TIE. Anything and everything else is game, and optional. If the list works better with Nien Nunb or Bistan or something in it, suggest it! I’m not being a hardcore timeline nerd about this. I just wanna see the best way to get all the stuff above on the table and have it work as well as possible. That’s my first goal, and the above list is my current strongest attempt at that. Any suggestions to improve it are welcome; if Kanan (Pilot) and Hera (Crew) are better than Kanan (Crew) and Hera (Pilot), tell me! I like the above list, but my gut tells me I need to give the Ghost a way to fire twice per round. Maybe Bistan, maybe some other card.

My OTHER goal (and it’s kind of its own separate question), is to figure out how to make the Ghost itself as competitive as possible, with no other restrictions. I imagine that probably also means one or the other of the Phantom shuttles, but maybe not. I know the VCX-100 is in a tough spot in the game right now, as large based ships seem to struggle in general. But help me build the best Ghost I can! It’s a cool model, and I want to play it without getting totally steamrolled on the kitchen table.


Edited by Cpt ObVus

Had these in my saved lists.

VCX-100 Light Freighter - •Hera Syndulla - 102
•Hera Syndulla - Spectre-2 (72)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
•Kanan Jarrus (12)
•“Zeb” Orrelios (1)
Ghost (0)
•Ezra Bridger (12)

Sheathipede -class Shuttle - •AP-5 - 41
•AP-5 - Escaped Analyst Droid (32)
•Leia Organa (7)
•“Chopper” (2)
Phantom (0)

TIE/ln Fighter - •Sabine Wren - 28
•Sabine Wren - Spectre-5 (28)

RZ-1 A-wing - Phoenix Squadron Pilot - 29
Phoenix Squadron Pilot - (29)

Total: 200/200


VCX-100 Light Freighter - •Hera Syndulla - 87
•Hera Syndulla - Spectre-2 (72)
•Kanan Jarrus (12)
•Sabine Wren (3)
Ghost (0)

BTL-A4 Y-wing - •“Dutch” Vander - 45
•“Dutch” Vander - Gold Leader (40)
•“Chopper” (2)
Seismic Charges (3)

Sheathipede -class Shuttle - •AP-5 - 32
•AP-5 - Escaped Analyst Droid (32)
Phantom (0)

TIE/ln Fighter - •Ezra Bridger - 30
•Ezra Bridger - Spectre-6 (30)

Total: 194/200


VCX-100 Light Freighter - •Hera Syndulla - 109
•Hera Syndulla - Spectre-2 (72)
Intimidation (3)
Fire-Control System (2)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
•Kanan Jarrus (12)
•“Zeb” Orrelios (1)
Hull Upgrade (2)
Ghost (0)
•Ezra Bridger (12)

RZ-1 A-wing - Phoenix Squadron Pilot - 29
Phoenix Squadron Pilot - (29)

RZ-1 A-wing - Phoenix Squadron Pilot - 29
Phoenix Squadron Pilot - (29)

RZ-1 A-wing - Phoenix Squadron Pilot - 29
Phoenix Squadron Pilot - (29)

Total: 196/200


BTL-A4 Y-wing - Gray Squadron Bomber - 54
Gray Squadron Bomber - (30)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)
Proton Bombs (5)
Veteran Turret Gunner (12)

BTL-A4 Y-wing - Gray Squadron Bomber - 54
Gray Squadron Bomber - (30)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)
Proton Bombs (5)
Veteran Turret Gunner (12)

VCX-100 Light Freighter - •Hera Syndulla - 88
•Hera Syndulla - Spectre-2 (72)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
•“Chopper” (1)
•Sabine Wren (3)
Ghost (0)
Veteran Turret Gunner (7)

Total: 196/200

And here is the old thread.