[Hyper, Rebel] Lando, Dutch, Y & A

By Minimono, in X-Wing Squad Lists

(30) Gray Squadron Bomber [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(13) Proton Torpedoes
Points: 43

(78) Lando Calrissian [Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter]
(5) Nien Nunb
Points: 83

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(5) Ion Cannon Turret
Points: 45

(29) Phoenix Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
Points: 29

Total points: 200

Simple strategy:

A-wing: blocker, get close and be a nuance.
Lando: give Dutch a I5 lock action, stay more at range in the beginning.
Dutch: give Y-wing a I5 lock, not head on in the joust. Fly more sideways with turret.
Y-wing: damage dealing with torp. Hopefully at r3, so able to survive long enough to launch both torps.

Sacrificing/risking the pilots in this order:

A, Y, Dutch, Lando.

Is it tournament-viable? And I am talking about both the list, and strategy

Edited by Minimono

Why you enlist another Y-Wing to the bring the torps?:



(78) Lando Calrissian [Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter]
(5) Nien Nunb
(3) Intimidation
Points: 86

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(3) R3 Astromech
(13) Proton Torpedoes
Points: 56

(48) Thane Kyrell [T-65 X-wing]
(4) R5 Astromech
(0) Servomotor S-foils (Closed)
(1) Deadeye Shot
Points: 53

Total points: 195

You can change Thane for two more ships, if you want to split the menace, but dutch will do nothing but pass locks with your config unless you play it agresive to move into range one.

Thanks for the reply,

I do like Thane. Can you explain the benefit of having deadeye shot on him? As he already can flip a card. Is it for when there is multiple cards to flip? And just shooting without the need to spend a mod?

That's the key. Imagine you wanna shoot to a 3 agility ship + focus + asteroid + long range that already have 2 damage cards. No need to throw the Gr eens. In my playing area there is too much love for aces.