X-Wing player survey

By galbrig1, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Hi, I'm a casual X-Wing player who is doing some research into analog gaming and fandom, and X-Wing may be a part of that. My co-author and I are taking a survey of X-Wing players -- if you're interested, we'd appreciate your responses. See official recruitment text below, and thanks in advance!
- Greg
Do you play Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: X-Wing?
Do you collect Star Wars X-Wing miniatures?
Are you a fan of Star Wars?
If you answered yes to any of those, we need your help.
You Qualify If You
· Are at least 18 years of age.
· Currently play or have played Star Wars: X-Wing by Fantasy Flight Games.
· Enjoy any aspect of Star Wars : X-Wing
· Like the Star Wars franchise
Potential Benefits
· Participating in this study will help further research into gaming and fandom.
Potential Risks
· Participating in this study involves no foreseeable risks.
Participation Involves
· A 15-minute survey online about your relationship with X-Wing
· An optional follow-up interview over the phone, Skype, WhatsApp, or other VOIP service, that may last 30-60 minutes
Participation is completely voluntary, and your identity will be anonymous. Some of your responses may show up in a research article and other publications.
If you have any questions, please contact Jonathon Lundy (jnl48@drexel.edu)
or Greg Loring-Albright (gsa33@drexel.edu)