Deuterium Power Cells

By zhentil, in X-Wing

How the **** do these work. I am sorry if this has been covered but I am trying to find a use for these.

10 minutes ago, zhentil said:

How the **** do these work. I am sorry if this has been covered but I am trying to find a use for these.

System phase you can spend one of its 2 charges and take a disarm to recover a shield.

Aaaaand then the second half lets you swap that Disarm instead for a stress token. Or if you got a Strain/Tractor/Deplete/any non-lock, non-stress token for a stress

So it's basically something to get rid of tokens that aren't stress

6 minutes ago, zhentil said:

So it's basically something to get rid of tokens that aren't stress

Yup. It's the First Order version of R2 Astromech with some de-tokening options.

It’s a good upgrade, it’s just expensive and it’s normally cut to fit in more efficient upgrades.

Has anyone used this competitively?

My style is definitely not the disengage to Regen style. It seems to only work in that case. As the disarm is brutal.

8 hours ago, Blail Blerg said:

Has anyone used this competitively?

If and how it was used can be found here:

So it has seen some play...

I can think of Holo that makes a good use of it, maybe Quickdraw. Vonreg can also good disengage.

8 hours ago, Blail Blerg said:

My style is definitely not the disengage to Regen style.

yeah, also not my cup of tea.