Self-Inflicted Concussion

By emeraldbeacon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

A thought about ways to abuse Concussion Bombs : Use them on your friends!

This squad would deploy to ensure the bomb hits your three big ships on the very first round. After dropping the bomb in the system phase, Saw scoots into the danger zone, then coordinates a (red) reload to Norra. Wullffwarro pulls a full stop to stay in Norra's way, keeping himself just inside the explosion radius. Norra would 1-straight bump to stay in range, herself. When Concussion goes off, Wullffwarro, Norra, and Saw are all damaged (under shields), to take maximum advantage of their cumulative abilities, while Blount is just tootin' along, waiting to shoot somebody. Next round, everybody dials blue (Norra uses R4 to 2-turn towards the fight) to clear the strain/stress, and you're good to go! (Not sure what to do with the last 3 points - keep for "bid" or add more jank)

Saw Gerrera (52)
Leia Organa (7)
Pivot Wing (0)

Norra Wexley (41)
Intimidation (3)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)
Concussion Bombs (3)

Wullffwarro (54)

Lieutenant Blount (30)

Total: 197

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Edited by emeraldbeacon

Hull upgrade on Wullf. IIRC it's 3 points. Max out his life some.

Wullffwarro + Saw + Conc is pretty cool.

If I were to fly something like it, I don't think I'm personally interested in Y-Norra or Bount, but I love the core.

I think I'd go with, say...

  • Wullffwarro, Saw, ARC-Norra, Grey Bomber (ICT, ConcB, Fuses)
    • or
  • Wullffwarro (Trick Shot, Shield Upgrade), Saw, Ibtisam, Grey Bomber (ICT, ConcB, Fuses)

Like, the Y-Wing is OK, but I'd rather invest the points in the 4th ship than on the Y-Wing. Those builds skip Leia, who's handy, but I want three substantial ships.

With the above, I'm thinking Fuses on Norra, Crack Shot Bount. CS is classic. Fuses seem really handy for Concs, since if you do start to drop them again, having the option to delay the explosion seems incredibly useful geometrically.

I posted a similar idea in a separate thread, but figured I would move it here to consolidate discussion ( @wurms also had an interesting 3-ship variation w/Lando in the Falcon):


Saw Gerrera (52)
Leia Organa (7)
Pivot Wing (0)

Wullffwarro (54)
“Zeb” Orrelios (1)

Blade Squadron Veteran (42)

Miranda Doni (40)
Concussion Bombs (3)
Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0


Someone mentioned the idea of Jan (the only problem is no reload, so you would have to dodge rest of the bombs xD):

Wullffwarro (54)
Intimidation (3)
“Zeb” Orrelios (1)

Saw Gerrera (52)
Pivot Wing (0)

Jan Ors (41)
Concussion Bombs (3)
Nien Nunb (5)
Moldy Crow (18)

Bandit Squadron Pilot (22)
Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

You can also drop the Z to get an outlandish amount of upgrades on Saw, Jan, and Wullf (good upgrades, though: Leia, Hull, Intimidation, etc.)

Edited by HanScottFirst

Ok, building off of some of these ideas... what about Miranda/Ten Numb to round out the fours? Ten is banking on Saw for rerolls, and can (hopefully) dump his stress for dice conversions. Miranda is a bit tougher, and a lot more maneuverable, than a Y-Wing.

Saw Gerrera (52)
Pivot Wing (0)

Wullffwarro (54)

Miranda Doni (40)
Concussion Bombs (3)
Delayed Fuses (1)

Ten Numb (48)
Stabilized S-Foils (2)
Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

I thought about a HWK for the bomber, but like you said, without a reload action, there's no way to stop the bombs from coming... and subsequently, they pose a much greater risk to my own squad than to the enemy.

Edited by emeraldbeacon
9 hours ago, emeraldbeacon said:

I thought about a HWK for the bomber, but like you said, without a reload action, there's no way to stop the bombs from coming... and subsequently, they pose a much greater risk to my own squad than to the enemy.

That's why I mostly rejected the HWK, but I suppose that Fuses kinda solve it. It means you'll lose the offense of the bombs, but normal-drop round 1, and fuse-drop round 2&3 probably makes you pretty safe.

As a means for trying to reliably get 5 and 6 dice Wullffwarro attacks because they're cool, it'd probably work. As a means of winning games...?