First (very) rough stab at two named Jedi plus a LAAT. Hyperspace, so no Ani.
"Warthog" (54)
Multi-Missile Pods (8)
Ghost Company (5)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Seventh Fleet Gunner (9)
Ship total: 84 Half Points: 42 Threshold: 5
Obi-Wan Kenobi (49)
Heightened Perception (3)
R4-P17 (5)
Calibrated Laser Targeting (4)
Ship total: 61 Half Points: 31 Threshold: 2
Plo Koon (45)
Heightened Perception (3)
R4-P Astromech (2)
Calibrated Laser Targeting (4)
Ship total: 54 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 2
Total: 199
Even newer than usual at Jedi builds so not sure what the "standard" kit is for Obi and Plo. I started with everybody naked, added some stuff to the Jedis until I ran out of slots, then filled the LAAT with the remaining points. Aside from a basic Torrent there wasn't a 4th ship that seemed to work as a filler for the mid-20-ish points I had left over, so I know the LAAT is kind of a juicy target. Still, this is a rough first cut at the idea.