Adjacency for locked door mechanics in Breaking Point

By timmy9921, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

In Breaking Point, the locked doors do not block LOS or movement for Rebels. Since it does not specify any rule changes regarding adjacency, does it mean that a space on the other side of the door is NOT adjacent to a rebel figure?

For example, can Shyla while next to the door, whip an imperial figure to a space on the other side of the door that's next to Shyla?

A follow up question is that, can spaces even be counted by Rebels through the door for this mission?

Breaking Point rules only mention that doors adjacent to Rebel figures don't block movement and LoS

Door rules in RRG states that figures cannot move, trace LoS or count spaces through doors.

I'd say no, Shyla can't whip through the door. And a figure on the other side of the door is not adjacent to a Rebel.

There's a Hoth mission which has a similar rule but explicitly mentions that those doors don't block adjacency or counting spaces. So if they intended that in Breaking Point the mission rules would say so.

Breaking Point is a mission before the more rigorous rules writing. Movement through the door requires adjacency to be defined. So, I would argue, that the later wording of "locked doors do not block line of sight, adjacency, counting spaces, or movement for adjacent rebels" is appropriate.

Edited by a1bert

Thanks everyone!

@a1bert a follow up question to this, if a rebel adjacent to one side of the door blasts an adjacent space on other side of the door, do they get hit by the blast?

I'm guessing no since the blast is calculating from the target space, by which the door would block it's adjacency check? (of course the door would take blast damage)

Edited by timmy9921

Literally, door adjacent to a rebel does not block adjacency, so a target space being adjacent to the rebel means the rebel is also adjacent to the target space.

They are not one-way doors... I.e. the door gets ignored because a rebel is adjacent to it, even when the rebels' ability (Blast) "accesses" it from the other side.

Edited by a1bert

Wow I just realized I misunderstood it completely! Thanks again

Wait - I'm confused again


A door adjacent to a Rebel figure does not block his movement, line of sight, adjacency, or counting spaces.

Doesn't the "his" part mean that the override only apply to the rebel figure?

"his" refers to the rebel figure's abilities, Blast on the figure's attack being one of them.