How to open series 2 boxes

By osoinvierno, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Sorry but new here! Is there a special way to open the small x-wing releases without destroying the box?

On 10/3/2020 at 9:01 PM, osoinvierno said:

Sorry but new here! Is there a special way to open the small x-wing releases without destroying the box?

I haven't been able to figure out out. Getting the cards out is easy. Getting the ship out? Scissors or beast-mode.

Hobby knife. This only partly destroys the box.

1. Open package normally at top or bottom (I do top) to remove cards & cardboard

2. Trace molded plastic that houses the ship around the base with a metal ruler and X-acto knife
(this allows the plastic to be seperated from what's left of the packaging)

3. Keep molded plastic for storage and profit

On 10/5/2020 at 9:37 PM, theBitterFig said:


I go with this one.