Droideka Question

By oreet, in Star Wars: Legion

So a Droideka box comes with 4 models. 2 in attack mode and 2 in wheel mode.

There's Wheel Mode tokens as well.

So I know in a friendly game, that means I essentially have 2 full units of Droidekas from a single box.

In a tournament or other organized play, is this allowed? Can I field a pair of attack mode Droidekas as one unit, and a pair of wheel mode Droidekas as a second unit, and use the tokens to signify when they are or aren't in wheel mode? I know it always comes down to the specific tournament organizer's opinion, I'm just looking for people might have experienced in the past.

This isn't a post asking if the Droidekas are good or not, or if I should even consider a 2 Droideka unit list, I'm just asking about the models. Most of my Legion play is with a friend at my house, so we have no issue with fielding 2 models in wheel mode as a unit.

They can only use the wheel mode models when they are actually in wheel mode.

Firstly if you are playing in a tournament you would be expected to have a second Droideka unit card, which you probably wont have I assume.

Secondly as they are on medium bases they still adhere to true LOS rules and as such you are technically only allowed to use the wheel mode models when the unit are actually in wheel mode.

As the wheel mode models are a smaller profile they can possibly hide behind a wall for example, completely out of LOS while the standard mode mini might be able to be seen peeking over the wall for example. so if you are using the wheel mode token you are giving your opponent a bigger target to hit technically.

At the end of the day though for casual it would be fine more often than not to run as 2 units, you would be hard pressed to find someone that wouldn't let you do so in a casual game I believe.

I would wait until they have a droideka alternative art card (maybe they do already) and then play them however you want. Ffg kinda didn't know what they were doing with this one. I think they designed both models and then felt like they had to fudge some rules around the models. They probably could have released 1 sprue and been fine. They could have sold the other for $15 but that wouldn't have met their price point compared to other boxes of that size. They could have made them 85 points and people would have bought them. As of now, we got twice the number of models we didn't want in the core set and no one bought the individual boxes

6 minutes ago, buckero0 said:

no one bought the individual boxes

Well...at least one person did... *looks at his 8 Droideka Models waiting to be painted*...

1 hour ago, buckero0 said:

I would wait until they have a droideka alternative art card (maybe they do already) and then play them however you want. Ffg kinda didn't know what they were doing with this one. I think they designed both models and then felt like they had to fudge some rules around the models. They probably could have released 1 sprue and been fine. They could have sold the other for $15 but that wouldn't have met their price point compared to other boxes of that size. They could have made them 85 points and people would have bought them. As of now, we got twice the number of models we didn't want in the core set and no one bought the individual boxes

*raises hand sheepishly*

I think the wheel mode models are cool and I use them when my dekas go into wheel mode.

49 minutes ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

*raises hand sheepishly*

I think the wheel mode models are cool and I use them when my dekas go into wheel mode.

Hah, I do that.

11 hours ago, oreet said:

Well...at least one person did... *looks at his 8 Droideka Models waiting to be painted*...

How interesting. I wasn't even going to buy CW but my son wanted it for his Birthday. I got 1 core set because he wanted clones and Rex of course.

I got another core set, just so we'd have enough for the full army size.

Then I got 2 more core sets. (they were on sale, I promise) I started to put together one BARC and I assembled 1 1/2 Droidekas. And I've always had more than I wanted of both of those.

Even not purchasing the core sets, I think I would have just bought them online for $15 (I sold all my extras) and never would have bought the box because I didn't think it added any content. Were you a buy everything on release date purchase? Or is the product hard to come by in your area?

Edited by buckero0
12 hours ago, oreet said:

Well...at least one person did... *looks at his 8 Droideka Models waiting to be painted*...

Lol same I have 3 squads of Dekas (2 from core boxes, and I picked up the third later when the individual deka expansion came out) and I run all 3 as often as possible, heck I only got 1 stap expansion because I would rather run Dekas instead of staps regardless of what the stats/point costs are

10 hours ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

*raises hand sheepishly*

I think the wheel mode models are cool and I use them when my dekas go into wheel mode.

same its just so much more fun that way

@KommanderKeldoth , @lunitic501

but when I run them in wheel mode, I want to give them the RAM keyword, like tauntauns.

I own 8, and I converted 3 of them to appear to be in stages of transformation. I like to line them up for a "life cycle of a droideka" diorama.

If there's ever an LoS question, I'll just give the opponent the benefit of the doubt.

I have 3 sets (of 4 models each) and I love them. I just wish they would drop them by 10-20 points so I can put them in some lists.

I think the droideka ball mode is one of the poorest choices from ffg with this game. A model that is difficult to put in the base, that makes a product much expensive and that is just a giant token. I also dont like the repeated change of models in game because it allows a lot of 'mistaken movements'.

I think that make a mixed unit should not be a real problem. You can use the "assembled" one as the leader, using it to determine the line of sight or just using the silhouette. The first model to be killed is the "ball" one, so it also helps to keep the "real size one".

Edited by Polenesio
On 9/30/2020 at 1:16 AM, JediPartisan said:

I have 3 sets (of 4 models each) and I love them. I just wish they would drop them by 10-20 points so I can put them in some lists.

Set up some Grand Army games. I pretty much always end up having 2 dekkas in a larger game format.

9 hours ago, Polenesio said:

I think the droideka ball mode is one of the poorest choices from ffg with this game. A model that is difficult to put in the base, that makes a product much expensive and that is just a giant token. I also dont like the repeated change of models in game because it allows a lot of 'mistaken movements'.

I think that make a mixed unit should not be a real problem. You can use the "assembled" one as the leader, using it to determine the line of sight or just using the silhouette. The first model to be killed is the "ball" one, so it also helps to keep the "real size one".

Sorry, but I like that the Droideka have two modes and models to match. They have those modes in the movies and animated shows, so it’s nice to have them represented on the table. Plus switching to the rolling mode models makes them harder to hit since they’re shorter and not as easy to get a sight line on. A mixed unit (by which I’m guessing you mean, one rolling, one shooting) sounds odd and we already have people complaining about the Armour keyword on AT-RTs cause it doesn’t look like they should have armour or if you put a Snowtrooper unit amongst your regular troops cause they have snow gear. How much would those people complain about a mixed unit cause it looks like a one mini is rolling away and the other one is shooting? As for the “mistaken movements“, I’m not sure what you mean. When replacing the rolling unit with a standing one or vice versa, you just put the movement tool into the base then remove the old and place the new in the same place. Not sure how you can get a “mistaken movement” from that. Lastly, if you don’t like the rollies, then you can use the Wheel Mode token included Instead. It does still mean you need to pay for the added price of the model though, so that is unfortunate if you don’t like it, but at least you don’t have to worry about playing with those rollie models. So I think FFG tried to give us the best of all worlds.