So a Droideka box comes with 4 models. 2 in attack mode and 2 in wheel mode.
There's Wheel Mode tokens as well.
So I know in a friendly game, that means I essentially have 2 full units of Droidekas from a single box.
In a tournament or other organized play, is this allowed? Can I field a pair of attack mode Droidekas as one unit, and a pair of wheel mode Droidekas as a second unit, and use the tokens to signify when they are or aren't in wheel mode? I know it always comes down to the specific tournament organizer's opinion, I'm just looking for people might have experienced in the past.
This isn't a post asking if the Droidekas are good or not, or if I should even consider a 2 Droideka unit list, I'm just asking about the models. Most of my Legion play is with a friend at my house, so we have no issue with fielding 2 models in wheel mode as a unit.