New to the Star Wars games but love them. Hosted a session so far with my group, they loved it. Most of the rules, I understand.
But some of the space combat and especially maintaning speed bands is still a mystery. I'm planning the next up-coming session from the adventure Debts to pay, and is stuck with the concept to chase after the droid Lookout who is destroyng the storm barriers. The guide book says the pilot need to keep speed 3 or faster to keep up. My concern is that, fly/drive is a from my understanding a free maneuver and not a skill that needs a dice pool. In a chase, it don't get exciting if you can declare without a skill check that "I fly in the speed bands and accelerates to the correct speed".
If I were about to resolve it on the session, I would say a piloting check to keep up and with a success or advantage, the pilot succeeds to maintain the desired speed bands, and with threats or failure, he loses the speed and is drawn back a band.
I'm super aware that I have a long path to go for perfection, but this messes with my mind. And yes I have searched in the core rule books and Google 😃 for combat rules.
Can someone please explain how the speed bands works in a chase?