Converted Obi Wan UPDATED!

By CaptMook, in Painting

Has anyone done this? I'm specifically interested in having him extend his saber arm behind him similar to the limited edition model version. I'd even go so far as to remove his hand holding the lightsaber and attach it to an appropriate clone arm instead. It might also be necessary to change his left "your move" arm to one more dynamic to this new pose.

Has anyone made a conversion like this? I'd love to see any of your modified Obi Wans for inspiration!

10/08/20 update:

Here's my converted General Kenobi! I used the right arm of an unused Phase II Clone mortar gunner, as well as the left hand of the same unused Clone cut at an angle to give Obi Wan a force push pose. Now I just need to fill a few small gaps with Green Stuff and paint!




Edited by CaptMook

Not at all what you're talking about, but this is my modified Obi-Wan, using the Armored Obi/General Kenobi as inspiration.

IMG_20191121_162451659 IMG_20191121_142006658

Not the greatest pictures, but hopefully they'll do the trick. Obi is pretty easy to modify, you just need to have plenty of spare parts and green stuff ready to go.

I updated my first post with my converted Obi Wan! C&C is welcome!

Looks good! Can't wait to see him painted up.

your obi wan's pose is way better then the original ffg one. looks like he is doing a force mind trick.

That's an awesome pose. I like it better than the original.

10 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:

That's an awesome pose. I like it better than the original.

Thanks! I love Obi Wan's pose in the movie, but his Legion counterpart always felt... off. I wanted to make him more dynamic, especially after seeing the upcoming Anakin model and seeing just how much better Obi Wan could be too.