When a nemesis has ranks in Adversary and is upgrading the difficulty of a combat check, is this adding purple dice, or converting purple dice to red?
Adversary X
Upgrade changes a purple to red (or green to yellow)
Increase adds a purple (or green)
Cheers, that's what I thought, but then wondered how you handle Vader with his Adversary 3 in melee/close range.
If you run out of dice to upgrade, you add a new purple. If more upgrading is required, you have a whole new purple to upgrade!
So melee with Vader would be
. Were there to be another upgrade for any number of reasons, it would become
and so on.
There's a section on upgrading dice in the beginning of the ECRB that covers the previously mentioned methods. Also important to note, is when you need to both upgrade and downgrade a dice pool, it should be upgrade first, then downgrade.
Brilliant, thanks guys.
Also, contrary to upgrading downgrading doesn't remove dice if you can't downgrade a red to purple.
Are you sure on that? My reading of it has always been that you just can't downgrade to simple. Hence, why you upgrade first.
I'll reread the section to make certain, but I believe that was the impression the wording gives
Edited by Fistofpaper4 minutes ago, Fistofpaper said:Are you sure on that? My reading of it has always been that you just can't downgrade to simple. Hence, why you upgrade first.
You upgrade before downgrading, but if you run out of Challenge dice to downgrade, any remaining downgrades are lost.
On 9/28/2020 at 10:48 AM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:You upgrade before downgrading, but if you run out of Challenge dice to downgrade, any remaining downgrades are lost.
Hmm, I don't know WHY I had that glossed over in my head. Right there in the ECRB, pg. 21-22 lol
Like, even a boldface section too. Further proof, there's a lot of rules that should be reviewed when unclear, and I am by no means infallible.