Getting rid of a bunch of (more) Legion stuff

By TauntaunScout, in Star Wars: Legion

I'd prefer to sell this as one lot, so as to avoid sorting out the millions of tokens and cards in Legion. There's also an unbuilt AT-RT, Luke, and 17 rebel troopers in that bag on the left. I have an unbuilt Jyn Erso and Bossk to throw in too. Half-painted unit of Tauntaun Riders (pictured) and, painted:

  • Luke
  • Sabine Ren
  • Pathfinders
  • 2x Veterans
  • 2x MkII Blaster
  • 2x Tauntaun Riders
  • Wookies
  • Chewbacca
  • Atgar Tower laser cannon
  • Darth Vader
  • AT-ST
  • E-Web
  • 3x snowtroopers
  • 3x stormtroopers
  • General Veers





And of course all the spare rulers, command tokens, etc. etc. etc. you can shake a stick at. I will break them up but prefer to let them all go at once.

Edited by TauntaunScout

First and only bump. Tomorrow, they go on eBay. Along with Imperial Assault and anything else that will help me make room.

Edited by TauntaunScout

Are you in the UK? I might be interested in some of those things if you are!

Special thanks and props to @TauntaunScout, everything came in today and was as promised, plus a little extra.

Appreciate you sir!

Well we will miss you god sir thanks for the secret Santa gifts as well