I'd prefer to sell this as one lot, so as to avoid sorting out the millions of tokens and cards in Legion. There's also an unbuilt AT-RT, Luke, and 17 rebel troopers in that bag on the left. I have an unbuilt Jyn Erso and Bossk to throw in too. Half-painted unit of Tauntaun Riders (pictured) and, painted:
- Luke
- Sabine Ren
- Pathfinders
- 2x Veterans
- 2x MkII Blaster
- 2x Tauntaun Riders
- Wookies
- Chewbacca
- Atgar Tower laser cannon
- Darth Vader
- E-Web
- 3x snowtroopers
- 3x stormtroopers
- General Veers
And of course all the spare rulers, command tokens, etc. etc. etc. you can shake a stick at. I will break them up but prefer to let them all go at once.
Edited by TauntaunScout