The quests booklet

By RedMageStatscowski, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've searched this website, I searched BGG, I can't find the PDF for the 9 quests supplied in the base game. The quests in the expansion books are cut off from the PDF on the support in this site.

Why is it not supplied/cut off? I want to see first how good the quests are as I think of getting the game.
If anyone knows where to download them, it'll be good if I know.

That's fine, I want to see the maps, that's all. Nothing spoiled, in Doom, I'm always the invader player. I can be sure I'll be overlord in this game most of the time too.

Knuckles Eki said:

Why is it not supplied/cut off? I want to see first how good the quests are as I think of getting the game.

If anyone knows where to download them, it'll be good if I know.

I think the main reason the quests aren't provided online is because they want to keep SOMETHING back as an incentive to buy. Possibly also to prevent hero players from looking up the quests beforehand, but that's a lesser concern I suspect. The number of times we've replayed some of these quests - the surprise factor is really more a side-effect of this being your first time than an actual part of the game.

If they gave you the quests (especially with the text half) then you could theoretically print out your own home-made tiles and play the game without buying it. Images of the tiles and hero sheets are easy enough to find online, replacement figures from any of a dozen sources are not hard to find. The dice might be tricky, but I suppose they do occasionaly sell "replacement" dice here at the store, and that would be a lot cheaper than the whole game.

Not that I would condone such behaviour, of course, and I'm sure that was never your intention either. I'm just saying I think that's one of the big reasons why they keep the quests - which are one of the more essential elements for actually playing - a secret. Unless I'm greatly mistaken, the Doom scenarios aren't available online either, likely for the same reason.

Edit: Hell, in this day and age you wouldn't even need to print anything. With programs like Vassal out there, all you'd need is a digital copy of the quest and you're good to go.

That's true, Steve-O. It is meant to be secret to the adventurers.

Doom: Expansion scenarios are available though, although the base game scenarios aren't.