Empire vs Clones

By Thaureg, in Army Building


In next weekend ive got battle where I switch my clones for my friend empire (and vice cersa) and I just wanna know youre opinion about rooster below. For sure he not take Sabre Tank, and sorry for not publishing specific tactics because this sneaky bastard looking here from time to time. Thank you in advance and I promise battle report after weekend. Maybe I consider switching E-Web for two naked mortars?

800/800 (10 activations)
- Director Krennic (90): Aggressive Tactics (10), Strict Orders (5) = 105
- 2× Stormtroopers (44): Medical Droid (19) = 126
- 2× Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32), Offensive Push (4) = 176
Special Forces:
- Death Troopers (76): DLT-19D Trooper (34), Overwatch (4), E-11D Config (8) = 122
- Imperial Special Forces (68): T-21 Trooper (29), Offensive Push (4), Recon Intel (2) = 103
- 2× Strike Team (20): DLT-19x Sniper (28) = 96
- E-Web Team (55): HQ Uplink (10), Barrage Generator (7) = 72

• Voracious Ambition, • Covert Observation, •• Deploy the Garrison, •• Push, ••• Coordinated Fire, ••• Annihilation Looms, •••• Standing Orders

Edited by Thaureg

I personally very much prefer the E-Web over mortars, so it should stay. Only exception is if you really want the fire support option.

mortars would help with the activation control and can pass on their aims with coordinated fire.

shoretroopers can coordinate to ewebs too

I like the eweb better than the mortar because it can actually do damage

although generator ewebs work better with Veers than krennic because veers gives them free aim tokens and a free generator recover

with krennic im not sure id bother with the generator or hq uplink on the eweb because it starts getting expense and its not like the eweb needs a surge token anyway since it has native surge to crit. id just run the naked eweb for 55 points.

id rather have the hq uplink on the shore troopers with the comm officer.

Edited by Khobai