The Hunt for the Dreadnaught
Yes so amazing! Ships are my favorite in this game and I’ll definitely be adding them to future Dreamchaser cycles. Also an epic multiplayer ship quest sounds incredible. And this is perhaps the most interesting part:
You’ll even find a brand-new contract that can be added to your deck in any game of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game , challenging you to make a perilous voyage with a super-sized deck!
So much left unspoiled. The contract as well as the upgraded versions of the Ship-objectives. I wonder what their upgraded sides change...increase in their stats? New abilities?
Any thoughts on this new contract? Maybe something like you can't include allies, events or attachments that cost less then 3 or something. Or maybe an increase to the minimum deck size.
Edited by stimpaksamAmazing.
I think we're going to see the marvel champions lcg release format.
Hero packs (or player card packs based on traits or locations so Noldor/ dwarf or Rivendell, Grey Havens, shire etc. ) faction cards and army cards should now play apart too I think.
As to the new contract.. it makes sense to fit the sailing theme as its in a sailing quest pack. So therfore I think it will be based on Valinor and sailing to the undying lands at the end of Return of The King. I.e Journeys end.
It's effect then might be something that let's you put in more than 3 copies of a card (or simply removes the card limit altogether) but you have to have a minimum deck size of X cards. maybe 70 cards for example.
If it is based around journey's end then I hope the contract also mentions an expanded use for 'the end comes' card in that it now targets any racial trait and any deck.
Again a journey's end contract could also mean it is the Very last pack ever. Just like Decipher released a final product called journey's end for the TCG.
In my version of the contract it would mean buying multiple packs... would ffg really do that? 😃
Some more contract ideas.
discard a copy of a unique ally from your hand to heal all damage from a character in play the same name. Giving use out of duplicates and hero/ally match ups and reduce the need for larger sideboard decks.
Or... it could play on using sideboard decks.. you may have a sideboard decks of 20 cards. Pay some cost to take ot draw a card from your sideboard deck.
for those with extensive knowledge of the game (i play progressive; way behind), how well would this fit with gray havens and dreamchaser cycle? if it fits, where would you include it in context of those 9 quests?
that dreadnaught art is beautiful. wonder how to sleeve it? I'll prolly put it somewhere safe and proxy it for games...
i trend pessimistic with respect to ffg. surprised to see this. wouldn't have figured on new content for quite a while... portending more or a one-off? happy you long-time gamers have something new to chew on. will be excited to see how seastan makes a deck to reduce this dreadnaught to judge smail's dinghy...
I suspect that, in time--and presuming healthy initial sales--that we may see one of these scenario packs released for each of the previous cycles. I'm also wondering if they will be releasing these INSTEAD of reprinting the earlier cycles. Less intimidating for new players, and that gets around the problem of people being unable to hunt down missing expansions in their collection. This model is probably an easier sell for retailers, too.
42 minutes ago, old toby said:for those with extensive knowledge of the game (i play progressive; way behind), how well would this fit with gray havens and dreamchaser cycle? if it fits, where would you include it in context of those 9 quests?
I've been playing through the Dream-Chaser cycle solo one- and now two-handed since the summer (like you, I'm doing the progressive thing, and take breaks between cycles to play other games).
From the little bit they've teased in the article, I would place this scenario pack sometime after the conclusion of the main cycle... after having survived the assault on Cobas Haven, I think it would make sense for Gondor to make a pre-emptive strike against the development of an even more devastating enemy ship that did not appear in Dream-Chaser. Especially if it's clear that open war with Mordor is brewing.
But that's just my take on it.
I'm really glad they added brand new player ship-objectives for this pack. I'm more excited for this than I was when they announced the Mines of Moria, The Wizard's Quest, etc.
Edited by TwiceBornThere's also a new "Pillage" keyword on the encounter cards.
Plus how cool and thematic is the Response on the Corsair Skirmisher.
7 minutes ago, stimpaksam said:There's also a new "Pillage" keyword on the encounter cards.
Plus how cool and thematic is the Response on the Corsair Skirmisher.
Corsair Skirmisher is a reprint, the response is cool and thematic though
Lol, I didn't know it was a reprint. Makes sense, I haven't played A Storm on Cobas Haven yet.
Edited by stimpaksamI noticed the Dreadnaught has a new icon, meepple heads or whatever it is. I'm guessing that's to signify "per player" so it scales?
Let's get this thing sold out ASAP. Make FFG know that this ought to be far from the end.
24 minutes ago, soullos said:I noticed the Dreadnaught has a new icon, meepple heads or whatever it is. I'm guessing that's to signify "per player" so it scales?
Yeah, that's what I assumed as well. Also is this the first card in lotr lcg with the "Massive" keyword? I'm guessing that means it never leaves the staging area and is considered engaged with everyone? Plus I wonder what's on its flip side.
Edited by stimpaksamLooks pretty cool.
I wonder if this was supposed to be the Gencon special event for this year. Has a lot of the characteristics of quests from past events.
35 minutes ago, stimpaksam said:Yeah, that's what I assumed as well. Also is this the first card in lotr lcg with the "Massive" keyword? I'm guessing that means it never leaves the staging area and is considered engaged with everyone? Plus I wonder what's on its flip side.
Massive is an AH card game keyword meaning engaged with each investigator at that location. Since the games use the same keywords with similar meaning your guess is probably correct.
I think the contract will be something like:
“Your deck must contain at least 100 cards.
Action, exhaust this contract to draw a card”
”Your deck must contain at least 100 cards.
Setup: search your deck for any card with a cost of 2 or less and put it into your hand or into play, then shuffle your deck.”
1 hour ago, TXCanuck said:Looks pretty cool.
I wonder if this was supposed to be the Gencon special event for this year. Has a lot of the characteristics of quests from past events.
This is confirmed to be the GenCon quest for this year
I'm not sure to understand. This pack is not related to any cycle ? It's a standalone ? There's no player card in it (except the contract) ?
9 hours ago, Miceldars said:I'm not sure to understand. This pack is not related to any cycle ? It's a standalone ? There's no player card in it (except the contract) ?
Correct on all counts. It is similar to the scenario kits released for The Woodland Realm, The Wizard's Quest, Escape From Khazad-Dum, and The Mines of Moria (which also did not contain any player cards) over the last two years, except this one does not appear to be designed for competitive play as those scenario kits were.
It does, however, allow for Epic Multiplayer Mode with large groups (like Siege of Annuminas), if you're into that kind of thing.
I hope it scales as well for solo as it does for multiplayer, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Edited by TwiceBornI wonder how many of the cards will be reprints of already existing cards, and how many will be original. New scenarios are cool, but if the future model for LotR:TCG releases is a handful of new cards plus 60 old cards, that'll be disappointing.
I'm hopeful, though, and take this announcement as a positive sign!
Edited by BillK6218 hours ago, asgardianphil said:
It's effect then might be something that let's you put in more than 3 copies of a card (or simply removes the card limit altogether) but you have to have a minimum deck size of X cards. maybe 70 cards for example.
Steward's Fear would become even more demanded!
6 hours ago, Felswrath said:Steward's Fear would become even more demanded!
Yeah, maybe its 100 card deck but you can carry 6 copies (multiples of 3 make sense). The ratio checks out, but the ability to reuse events in that supply or to bring 6x of the same ally (as you correctly guess an all powerful outlands deck) would be extremely awesome.
Erestor would be working over time!
So we have this new pack but have we had the hiatus yet and what's with the mysterious announcement on the fate of our game... is that still happening?