Printing mistake

By Jonny WS, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I picked up the first wave of Sea of Blood Lt's today, and noticed something rather strange.

If you look on the back of the packaging, you will notice the red oval is in error. In the red oval, it says the following:

"Requires the Descent: Journeys in the Dark board game and The Road to Legend expansion to play"

This could confuse someone if they are no familiar with the game, buying Sea of Blood LT's rather then the RtL ones.

I wonder if FFG knows about this error....

I haven't gone through all the quests in SoB in detail, but it is possible there are some encounters/dungeons that require the tiles from RtL, in which case this would not be in error. (Can anyone confirm or deny that?)

I hope this is a mistake, though. I would be surprised if this was not a mistake since traditionally you don't need old expansions to use new ones.

Almost certainly a mistake, though I can't actually check. I'd be astonished if it wasn't, though.

If it doesn't even mention Sea of Blood, which we know is required to use the lieutenant in-game, then it's definitely a mistake. Sounds like someone just re-used the graphic from the RtL lieutenant figurines & forgot to update the name of the expansion.

Edit to my above post: I'm retarded. I thought he was talking about the Sea of Blood box itself. Yes, on the LT package that is most certainly a mistake.

lol, well it is clear that it is a mistake, I doubt they would do it intentionally!

I was more or less just thinking out loud. I am sure the second wave will not have such a mistake. Hopefully.