I don't know where else to post this, so I hope my clever title drew you in. You'll understand why it's clever in a bit.
So, live organized play is effectively cancelled due to Covid, which sucks, but the good news is that several unofficial online events have sprung up to fill the void. For instance, the good folks at Gold Squadron Podcast are in the midst of running a series of 5(!!) online tournaments that will lead to a 6th, invitation-only event. Many other X-wing podcasts and communities are doing similar, holding regulated OP-worthy events online for hundreds of players all over the world. I start with this to let it be known that lots of 'organized play' is still happening, even if it's not in any official capacity.
This brings me to my actual point: The Nantex. Specifically, the Petranaki Arena Ace, and how swarms of these ships are steadily consuming every online tournament there is. 6 Aces with Crack Shot dropped from 248 points to 192 points in the June points change. Since that time, every Gold Squadron tournament (each hosting well over a hundred people) has been won by some variant of 6 Aces. The current tournament (Concord Dawn), happening on Australia time right now, has 20(!!!!) out of 129 lists as 5 or 6 Petranaki Aces. The last tournament's (Dathomir) Finals was 6 Nantex vs 6 Nantex. This list is out of control, and the bugs are taking over! (See? My title was clever, because you thought I was talking about computer bugs, ha ha ha!)
The meta is quickly becoming nothing but bugs, and things people think can defeat bugs. Normally, I wouldn't say anything, trusting in FFG to correct such an obvious over-tuning relatively swiftly. However, with official OP dead for the year, I'm concerned they will ignore this issue until January.
As an avid X-Wing player, I am *begging* attention to be brought to this list, and for an emergency points update to be put into play so that it doesn't spoil the rest of the community tournaments- similar to what they did to Triple Ups back in the day. There's multiple ship Waves between now and January, all of which will require a points updates for them, any of which could have a correction slipped in there. Please respect the hard work the X-Wing community is investing into keeping the tournament scene alive during these trying times, and don't let it be consumed by a broken, bug-filled meta.
Thank you, and take care out there!