So to start off, I don't really power-game, build ultra competitive lists. When I play, it's just a friend and I. He plays my Rebels, and I play my Empire. Recently Miniature Market put the E-Web and Laser Cannon on a reduced price/sale, so I decided to buy a second of each, because I like the models of both.
If I wanted to build a double E-Webb and a double Laser Cannon list to play against each other, which commanders and/or other things would be good things to bring along to compliment them?
I know the generator upgrade is sort of a situational one, bring Overcharge against an armor list, Barrage to lay down suppression. I'd assume that for the Laser Cannon, an HQ Uplink could be a useful upgrade so that you can put down a standby or fire as early as possible without relying on your commander staying close enough.