Advice on double E-Web and double Laser Cannon Lists

By oreet, in Army Building

So to start off, I don't really power-game, build ultra competitive lists. When I play, it's just a friend and I. He plays my Rebels, and I play my Empire. Recently Miniature Market put the E-Web and Laser Cannon on a reduced price/sale, so I decided to buy a second of each, because I like the models of both.

If I wanted to build a double E-Webb and a double Laser Cannon list to play against each other, which commanders and/or other things would be good things to bring along to compliment them?

I know the generator upgrade is sort of a situational one, bring Overcharge against an armor list, Barrage to lay down suppression. I'd assume that for the Laser Cannon, an HQ Uplink could be a useful upgrade so that you can put down a standby or fire as early as possible without relying on your commander staying close enough.

Veers is a good choice for double E-Web because he can feed them aim tokens and his one command card can recover the generators. And with Veers feeding them aim tokens the E-Webs can find more opportunities to use the recover action to get back the barrage generators for extra suppression.

Shoretroopers are also a good choice because they can coordinate with E-webs and the mortars add more suppression to the list.

Imperial Specialists with the Comm Officer are good on the shoretroopers to give them HQ uplink so they can coordinate onto an E-web or mortar every turn. The medical droid is quite good as well.

Gideon Hask from the Inferno squad box can also be used in place of HQ Uplink if youd rather go that route. But you probably want some way to give the Shoretroopers a faceup token every turn to maximize the power of coordinate. I especially like Gideon Hask + Snowtroopers theyre super annoying.

Deathtroopers are good for more suppression and particularly good with Veers since he can give them a free aim token to take advantage of their precise 2. Veers can also recover their weapon config for them. Although Deathtroopers are almost impossible to find right now. But you can proxy them with Inferno Squad.

Bossk is also good with E-Webs and Mortars for even more suppression...

The Rebel laser cannons are more self-sufficient you dont really need to build a list around them as much as the E-webs. You can pretty much just stick them in any Rebel list. Although you probably cant go as heavy on characters as Rebels normally do if you take the laser cannons.

Edited by Khobai

I ran 2-3x E-Webs pretty regularly when I played Imperials. They're a good unit, limited by stupid design decisions early on. Barrage generators should be stapled to them. The extra white dice aren't as bad as normal with surge to crit and extra aims. At the very least, dumping suppression on people can grind their plans to a screeching halt. Just remember to keep the 'webs semi-close to each other so they can mutually support, and double tap any unit or vehicle they need to.

As for commanders, I was always fond of the generic Imperial Commander. That frees up a lot of points for other units, and other units usually do more for me than an expensive commander. Both Krennic and Veers have a place though, as they can work with the 'webs in different ways that allow them to maximize something, but both cost more and might even cost you an activation.

Rebel veterans make a good companion as you can hand off order tokens from them to the laser cannon, taking them with or without the mk 2 medium blaster.

Given they are only 70 pts without upgrade you can still get some characters in and still be effective

Here is something I've been playing with recently:

Veers Ewebs
800/800 (11 activations)
- General Veers (80): Strict Orders (5), Aggressive Tactics (10), Electrobinoculars (8) = 103
- 3× Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32) = 252
- Snowtroopers (48): Flametrooper (20), Imperial Officer (20), Fragmentation Grenades (5) = 93
- 2× Stormtroopers (44): DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24) = 136
Special Forces:
- 2× Strike Team (20): DLT-19x Sniper (28) = 96
- 2× E-Web Team (55): Linked Targeting Array (5) = 120

• Ambush, • Maximum Firepower, •• Push, •• Pinned Down, ••• Imperial Discipline, ••• Coordinated Fire, •••• Standing Orders