Background: I played a lot of triple and quad ensnare Nantex builds, so I'm familiar with the chassis. Charles has also played against the triple and quad Nantexes when I was testing them. So no experience with this specific list, but experience with the chassis on the both sides.
Game 1 was kind of a punt, although still useful and I feel like someone's first experience with the list will go in a similar direction.
Time on target with the Nantexes are super high
Bullseye damage is pretty dumb
Rey struggled to not get blocked in game 2.
Pinpoint tractor + turret is a perfect combination to make I3 or less pilots kind of useless.
Separating ships helps, but they can't be so far away as to not support each other which is a challenging balancing act
Nantexes are the most "exposed" on the joust, but that only matters if they can't just burn targets down and only 2 bullseyes + turret shots are does enough to take down a lot of ships.
Post joust, not needing to do red maneuvers to keep dice on target gives them a sizable advantage