I came to SWLCG late and didn't get to experience how the meta evolved from year to year competitively. Since March, I've been playing the solo rules variant and I thought it would be fun to play the world finals decks against the AI. As I searched for decklists of those games, I found the information was not readily accessible.
Finding this was more difficult than I expected, so I decided to compile it into a PDF for anyone interested in knowing what the top competitive decks were for each World Championship year.
While I'm sure this existed on many fan sites like theshadowarchive.net and fliptheforce.com, since the development of this game has ended, those sites have gone away.
To find this info, I had to dig through cardgamedb.com forums, google searches and world finals videos. It wasn't easy or very quick.
Right now I only formatted the first and second place winners. I have found the top 16 for some of the years but not all. I'll update my PDF with that info in a future revision.
If anyone has the top 16 for all of the years, I would love to add it to the PDF to have as a record of the game.
FFG World Champion Deck List
Thank you for all the hard work. Tried it myself once but gave up. Anyway, greatly appreciated.