Old Faithful (Seeing competitive T-65s)

By Bucknife, in X-Wing

3 minutes ago, Tyhar7 said:

So perhaps, as a theme, rebels could have more inherent ways to jam opponents, countering some of heavy token stackers and forcing Jedi

Like a lot of things, this would in fact counter normal regular ships the most, and make force users and token stackers even stronger by comparison.

5 hours ago, Schanez said:

I would swap Braylen for Ten with B-Foils and slap Blount with Crack Shot too. You get more or less the same list, but Ten can spend the Stress as Focus opening up his dial for the next round completely.

With the config, it`'s a good idea. I can have a lock with the red link to barrel roll. But..... no defense rerolls like Braylen. I'll think about it :)

7 hours ago, Tyhar7 said:

No not my intentions sorry, wrote before going to bed wasn't think clearly...

"If an enemy acquires a target lock on you they gain a jam token. You cannot use this jam to break the lock on you . While defending, if the attacker rerolls dice by spending a target lock, you may change one hit or crit result to a focus result."

I think an easier way to say the first part would be "After an enemy ships locks you, they must remove one green token if possible."

1 hour ago, 5050Saint said:

I think an easier way to say the first part would be "After an enemy ships locks you, they must remove one green token if possible."

You could do that but totally possible to take the target lock first then gain a green token from another source later. If you Jam it will persist in the round until it can be used or removed.

Edited by Tyhar7

"After an enemy ship locks you, they must gain one jam token. This token cannot be used to break the lock gained."

Gunna mirror @svelok and say that low condition jams probably shouldn't ever be part of any faction's 'color pie' as it were. Most game effects in X-wing are modification and it already severely messes with the game when different modifications are more or less resistance to certain game effects, so making the difference between bonus tokens and a passive matter even more is not ideal.

On top of that, giving a jam to someone who locks you isn't even... interesting in 99% of gameplay situations. I could see an RZ-1 config option between a 'Target lock slash' and a 'Jam slash' to emphasize the RZ-1 as either an aggressive missile platform or a distruptive 'raider' style ship, but not just passively jamming people target locking you because it is functionally worthless vs most lists that don't have token passing or coordinates.

There are also other ways to represent jamming and EWAR devices than a literal jam action. The Tactical Scrambler is a great example of this, so if push came to shove and there was a desire to give the rebels 'Ewar stuff' as a theme, there are probably better angles than jam.

Edited by dezzmont

There was a 1.0 modification that made your ship's base obstruct enemy attacks.

It's a little cumbersome, but it has potential in Rebels as long as it's thematic and not too spammy.

Partly cross-posted.


Good Ol' X-Wings... Yes, Sir! They're the Charlie Brown of ships.


Here is the thing about that: It isn't just that the X-wing is boring, it is also that mechanically its just a questionable ship that in some ways... doesn't make sense?

At least in terms of generics. One thing that is really weird to me coming into X-wing from 40k is this idea that as many ships as possible should be playable as spammable generics with no abilities.

The thing is this runs counter to pretty much everything we understand about game design because when two generics smash up against each other it is always going to come down to which efficiently can leverage its stats harder. That is never going to be the X-wing unless it is in a very degenerate list. There is actually a lot questionable about its stat array. For example, 2 green dice 3 red is a very awkward dice arrangement because it translates to around .7 extra hits to kill unless you spend focus, but then your losing a lot of offensive value and focusing for defense 'costs' more in a 5 ship list compared to a 6, 7, or 8/

So it is boring, sure, but lots of cool ships people like are boring. People really like the Y-wing for example, because you upgrade it and do weird things with Dutch or Norra. The ship is still a pile of health and has a boring dial and action bar, but because its more focused and you can put more of your own spin on it Y-wings are huge (and one of the only remaining draws to rebels, IMO, due to the synergy of Dutch+Jake being extremely potent).

And the X-wing is fine once you get cool powers into the mix or get to fire torps or have Wedge be a terrifying murder machine. In those contexts, its weird statline gives it a sort of a '40k Space Marine' feel (Who are also weirdly generically statted, decent at fighting, at a slight numbers disadvantage vs most armies, and who have lots of upgrade potential) where it is less about being efficient jousting and more about making it hard to trivially remove these things and get free MOV for upgrades.

On 10/2/2020 at 11:16 AM, Bucknife said:

There was a 1.0 modification that made your ship's base obstruct enemy attacks.

It's a little cumbersome, but it has potential in Rebels as long as it's thematic and not too spammy.


It's like 2 points. Perhaps, it should be used more.

11 hours ago, dezzmont said:

Here is the thing about that: It isn't just that the X-wing is boring, it is also that mechanically its just a questionable ship that in some ways... doesn't make sense?

I guess I've never understood what's mechanically questionable about an X-Wing. It's a basic jouster with strong range-control tools, the kind of thing that can be leveraged enough by a good player.

If you want to say that the balance of X-Wings as a spam list isn't competitive against other spam jousters, no argument there. That buffing the X-Wing in the ways to make it competitive as a spam list would have nasty unintended consequences for non-spam X-Wing lists? Also fine. But that's not a mechanics issue. That doesn't point to an X-Wing having an inherently flawed design.