SoB Fury of the Sun plot

By LoL KiLlJoY LoL, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

How exactly do you play this plot as the OL?

That's the plot we are playing - no spoilers please (or: no advice to our OL! lengua.gif ).

Why not try it by yourself first, and come back for advice if ever you fail miserably? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Do you mean the basics or the strategy?

The basics is that yo will have a lighthouse token on the board. The lighthouse is basically a nuclear silo, which needs 3 keycards to bypass the safeties and gain control. Once you gain control you can nuke a city every turn, destroying it. Eventually you will play a plot card to make the 3 keys appear (although the heroes get to decide where they start). Move your lieutenant (LT) onto a key,pick it up, bring it to the lighthouse, and then play the plot card to use the key to unlock one of the security mechanisms.

Strategy wise, since you need strong LTs for this plot, you should pick the Master of the hunt or the Mistress of serpents for your avatar, preferably the Master since his LT, darkwind, is fast and insanely strong.

Properly timing when you make the keys appear is critical. You should have monsters upgraded and at least 2 LTs on the board, spread out to be close to the keys wherever the heroes place them. A transport gem to teleport a LT onto a key the turn they appear would also be smart. Also, try to summon the keys at a time when the heroes are inland, or about to train, so that they will have to scramble to try to stop you. Early silver level ( maybe on your turn 2, after upgrading monsters on turn 1) would also be a great time, since this is the strongest your LTs will ever be compared to the heroes. Late copper is reasonable too, especially if you can make the heroes chose between a secret master training and stopping your LTs. Try to get 2 keys to the lighthouse before the heroes can get 2 keys in vaults and you will be in an excellent position.

The biggest danger of this plot is Dallack. The heroes can store one of the keys here, and you can never seige it. You have one plot card to move a key out of Dallack, but this can only be done once. So if they get a key in Dallack, leave it there until you have both other keys secured, and then only remove it when you have all your LTs ready to protect it. If they get a key stored in Dallack a second time, the plot becomes unwinnable, and you will have to play for sieging 5 cities or the final battle.

For LT fights, remember that not only do the heroes have to beat the LT carrying the item on their turn, but also all of your nearby LTs attacking them on your next turn. So don't be afraid to retreat from the fight rather than risk getting killed. One great strategy for your turn when you have multiple LTs attacking them is to have the first LT focus on getting the heroes down to low hp, but not dead, and then retreating so that your second LT can wipe them easily. Big trouble can also be used on their turn to weaken them in an encounter before they attack your LT.

Ispher said:

That's the plot we are playing - no spoilers please (or: no advice to our OL! lengua.gif ).

Why not try it by yourself first, and come back for advice if ever you fail miserably? gui%C3%B1o.gif

I'm feel like all the plot cards should be public knowledge, so there is no spoilering.

Also, getting ready to start an 80 hour game without doing any thinking beforehand is asking to get crushed (especially for the heroes, although this plot is a tricky one for for both sides). You should be thinking hard (and possibly discussing here) what to do as the heroes also, especially if you are inexperienced in playing the advanced campaign.

Ispher said:

That's the plot we are playing - no spoilers please (or: no advice to our OL! lengua.gif ).

Why not try it by yourself first, and come back for advice if ever you fail miserably? gui%C3%B1o.gif

I can understand the desire to avoid spoilers, but I don't think the OP is particularly out of line in asking about this stuff beforehand if he doesn't get it himself. If you don't want spoilers, simply avoid reading this thread.