Hello, in case you didn't know, there is a Fully working (with IACP support) IA Skirmish game for TableTop Simulator.
Do you know if there is a specialised channel somewhere to find players for casual gaming?
Hello, in case you didn't know, there is a Fully working (with IACP support) IA Skirmish game for TableTop Simulator.
Do you know if there is a specialised channel somewhere to find players for casual gaming?
There is a slack channel from the old podcast Zions Finest that had some activity zionsfinestia.slack.com. I think you need to send an email to someone to get invited if I remember correctly? There used to be a discord as well for vassal ( think it was the old boardwars.eu discord channel - I miss those guys), not sure about TTS.
On 9/14/2020 at 7:02 AM, topacesteve said:Hello, in case you didn't know, there is a Fully working (with IACP support) IA Skirmish game for TableTop Simulator.
Do you know if there is a specialised channel somewhere to find players for casual gaming?
You can join the Zions Finest Slack to find games there in the LFGVassal channel (people post there for TTS games as well): https://join.slack.com/t/zionsfinestia/shared_invite/zt-g832n02s-tjm6ni90iEZCg~~pt3bV1w
You can also join the IACP Discord server to look for games there: https://discord.gg/Snmtk6
Tabletop Simulator is currently less used than Vassal, so you might have to schedule a game in advance with someone rather than trying to get a pick up game on the fly.