Hey all,
So I recently got the Wilds Of Rhovanion expansion, and I'm pretty excited to try it out!
However, after a quick glance at the cards and an in-depth reading of the rulebook (at least, the parts I'm allowed to read lol), I'm anticipating getting confused about the flow of the different scenarios.
Maybe this confusion will get cleared up once I actually start playing, but I wanted to ask if there are any unique scenario-specific rules I should be aware of before diving in? Particularly for the "Lost In Mirkwood" senario.
So if there are NO special rules, just say that it makes more sense when the cards are actually interacting with each other. If there ARE special rules, please just tell me the absolute bare minimum for me to get by!
(Also, if it matters, I'm planning on playing solo at least for my first playthrough)
Edited by player4190410