By Death Star, I mean the long running, in person, group that has run several dnd5e campaigns, and was about 10 months in on an EotE campaign. Average PC xp was about 600-700 since they weren't always able to be present. Obvs, they got through a good amount of content, and we'd been running TTS fairly smoothly in lieu of in person play.
So why cause GM to stand for Grand Moff? I'd finally had it with the whining, and complaining, and consistent attitude that they were showing up to be entertained for four+ hours a week without any time invested on their parts (so really, like 2.5 hours as they bs'd and relearned their toons). So now what? I didn't burn bridges when I axed the campaign, but this had been brewing for a while.
Now _I_ am left hanging with 4 side quests fully built up and no one to run them for. The good part is that they're tied into FFG adventures/campaigns, so could be used with a new group. Considering the state of our LGS resources during this age of Covid-19, I went to Meetups and the /lfg sub-Reddit, and looked at Legends of the Galaxy, but am unsure what would be a good avenue.
Thoughts? Similar war stories? All are appreciated.
Edited by FistofpaperEdit grammar for clarity