Dash's Drinking Buddies?

By Spinland, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Just brainstorming. I recently scored nicely-priced used models for the YT-2400 and the HWK-290, and have Scum and Rebel Conversion Kits to supply the cardboard. I'm aware of the "old" Han double-tap combo that was halted with errata. Beyond that, casting about for some fun FLGS game-level lists that leverage them to entertaining advantage. This is a two-ship that's a very rough first crack.

Dash Rendar (85)
Trick Shot (4)
Bistan (10)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Outrider (14)
Contraband Cybernetics (2)

Ship total: 123 Half Points: 62 Threshold: 5

Jan Ors (41)
Elusive (3)
Nien Nunb (5)
Shield Upgrade (6)
Engine Upgrade (2)
Moldy Crow (18)

Ship total: 75 Half Points: 38 Threshold: 3

Total: 198

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Two crits right off the bat are: two-ship lists are supposed to be a bear to play properly, and any single ship over 100 points is a real magnet for getting lots of half-points. True confession: I basically piled on useful-seeming mods until I ran out of points. The theme here, if theme there is, is Dash wreaking havoc with Jan playing wingman and offering some support. She has a little help clearing stress and can also deal respectable attacks as the opportunity arises.

More than happy to get some more-experienced feedback on how to tweak this hot mess into something to reckon with. :)

Shopping for a way to make this a 3-ship list has been interesting. Had to find two wingmen who'd come in under 80 points and still seem useful. This is one stab at the problem:

Dash Rendar (85)
Trick Shot (4)
Bistan (10)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Outrider (14)

Ship total: 121 Half Points: 61 Threshold: 5

"Dutch" Vander (40)
Dorsal Turret (2)
R4 Astromech (2)

Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 4

Arvel Crynyd (34)
Marksmanship (1)

Ship total: 35 Half Points: 18 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

I reckon Bistan is a luxury so could be dropped to open up more possibilities. I hate to lose the PerCo because I think Dash will need all the help he can get to stay alive a while. Hmm....

I have a bit of a different take on this.

Dash Rendar (85) - Ex Handling (4)

Jan Ors (41) - EU (2), HU (5)

Norra Wexley (Arc-170) (55) - Intimidation (3), Zeb (1), HU (3)

Total: 199

This list is one of my favourites. It’s pretty tanky and will nuke most things fairly quickly. Give it a crack!

2 hours ago, Sm00thB0r3 said:

I have a bit of a different take on this.

Dash Rendar (85) - Ex Handling (4)

Jan Ors (41) - EU (2), HU (5)

Norra Wexley (Arc-170) (55) - Intimidation (3), Zeb (1), HU (3)

Total: 199

This list is one of my favourites. It’s pretty tanky and will nuke most things fairly quickly. Give it a crack!

Nice tank platoon! You've inspired me to pick up an ARC model. 😎 🍺

We did some games recently with Dash + "Chopper" in the VCX which didn't go too well. The VCX while massive, drops from the table too quickly to make a difference. It does hurt a lot to have two 4 Offence ships on the table, but... Dash really needs something to work as a wedge between him and anything that might want to get close. Thus a bit of theory-crafting gave us this duo.

  • Dash Rendar: "Outrider", Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Trick Shot, Stealth Device, Contraband Cybernetics
  • Norra Wexley: "Zeb" Orelios, Intimidation, Veteran Tail Gunner, Stealth Device, R3 Astromech

They can move in whichever order you wish. Norra is a big bully that likes to brawl. Dash cleans up around her like a pro. I have flown this in simulators against various lists, from the OP Spamtex, through the Obnoxious Resistance RZ-2s to some more varied stuff. Norra is surprisingly tanky, if you manage to push her into Range 1 as soon as possible. Dash is just a bully that does not care where he flies. The ARC managed to hold onto its Stealth Device Charge for a surprising amount of time, and that's against CIS swarms of Drones as well as the Nantex, the RZ-2s only managed to plink it off during the second round of pew pew. Rebels did better, but only due to Wedge being himself.

Nice. I'm picturing a Tiger tank and a Panther tank rampaging through a horde of Stuarts. That's some serious high zoot. :)

Nice. I'm picturing a Tiger tank and a Panther tank rampaging through a horde of Stuarts. That's some serious high zoot. :)

Brings back memories of Axis & Allies Mini

Third Wheel

(85) Dash Rendar [YT-2400 Light Freighter]
(8) Perceptive Copilot
(10) Bistan
(4) Trick Shot
Points: 107

(55) Norra Wexley [ARC-170 Starfighter]
(1) "Zeb" Orrelios
(4) Shield Upgrade
(3) Intimidation
Points: 63

(30) Lieutenant Blount [Z-95-AF4 Headhunter]
Points: 30

Total points: 200

This is my favorite list. Norra goes in, wrecks face and doesn't die. Blount is right behind getting his extra dice. Dash circles the board doing Dash things. In one round if you get lucky, you can get 2-5 dice attacks and 2-4 dice attacks. I love it!

hi guys, I used to play dash in first edition, but haven't played too much in this edition.. I've tried the Bistan version a couple of times, but I really detest being locked into focus action, so I tried a force sensitive version:

Dash Rendar (85)
Trick Shot (4)
Ezra Bridger (12)
Kanan Jarrus (12)
Outrider (14)
Total: 127

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what's your thoughts on a more flexible dash?

sorry if I am ninja'ing!

Saw a game on gold squadron podcast where Dash was paired with Lando, seemed pretty decent.