Hi guys! If you’ve read anything from me in these forums you’ll probably know I’m a Corran fan. I used him a lot in 1.0, and since the start of 2.0, when he was WAY more expensive. Even with all the points dropped I still don’t think he’s top tier or anything like that, but sometimes it’s just nice being the underdog. Here’s the wacky list I’ve been running lately:
(77) Leia Organa [Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter]
(5) Sense
(3) Millennium Falcon
Points: 85
(64) Corran Horn [E-wing]
(2) "Chopper"
(10) Advanced Sensors
(3) Elusive
Points: 79
(36) Jake Farrell [RZ-1 A-wing]
Points: 36
Total points: 200
200 points of Rebel fun! After 3 test games (pre points, so I had a 2-3p bid instead of Sense on Leia) I took the list to a FLGS 10 player tournament. Here’s how it went...
Round 1 vs 4 Sabers/Soontir:
He chose to move second, so I tried blocking with Jake. I deployed Jake in the center, Corran on my left, and Leia on my right. Jake would support whoever had more chances of destroying an interceptor asap. I was a bit careless with Corran at the beginning and he lost 2 shields early to Soontir’s nattie hits, but the turn later Leia was able to strip one interceptor of his focus, and Jake’s 3 hits plus 3 enemy blanks got me my first kill. Corran arc dodged all arcs but was still too pressured to regen safely.
The following turn Corran used AS to regen a shield, and recharged elusive with a 4k. Leia then gave him a focus. I had to spend the elusive charge on defense as my opponent rolled well, but it saved me 1 damage.
The following turn Leia had to go over the rock (taking a hit in the process) with a 3 hard to avoid landing on it with a 2 hard, but Jake gave her a focus before activating. As Corran was stressed, I couldn’t avoid the bump, but luckily I only lost 1 shield.
The next turn I tried to put pressure on Soontir, so decided to confront him with Corran face to face. So I needed tokens...I dialed a 1 hard to the right, which dodged 2 arcs, used AS to evade, recharged elusive, and received a focus thanks to Leia. I already had a TL on Soontir from the first turn, so if I was able to catch him, he’d have a bad day. Luckily for my opponent, the right boost fit between a saber and the rock, so Soontir avoided Corran’s arc. Shame!
The next turn Leia got bumped by a Saber, and was going to get 2 range 1 shots from Soontir (double focus thanks to bullseye) and another saber. Soontir only rolled 2 hits (he didn’t have predator or anything apart from focus, so I only lost 1 shield.
Leia got 3 hits eyeball and used the force for all four hits. Soontir got 2 blanks 1 evade and went boom! Lucky me! Corran also got one saber on his bullseye at R1 and nuked him, so the game was pretty much decided there. Corran regen’d another 2 shields before time was called and ended up with full health.
Win 144-0
Round 2 vs Lando/Asajj/Koshka:
A nice scum list that likes to deal stress, not what I like to see with my AS Corran...
This time I deployed Jake closer to Corran and he hanged around for support. First combat round Koshka played too conservatively and was too far to contribute. Jake blocked Asajj, but Corran had to shoot Lando. I spent the focus for 3 hits and Lando lost all shields. Leia took 2 shields off Asajj. I had to spend the evade on Corran but dodged Asajj’s shot. Lando took 1 shield off Jake, who whiffed on Lando.

A few turns later Koshka was back, but I had traded Lando for Jake and almost half of Asajj.

The following turn I didn’t know where enemy Corran and Wedge would go, so I spent Leia’s force to see Corran’s dial. Leia would probably take 2 full mod shots from Gavin and Corran, but if my Corran could hurt Wedge it could be worth the trade.
Wedge had to BR to avoid getting shot by my Corran, but also lost his shot.
Leia nattied 3 hits, and Gavin was 1 evade short so he died without getting a shot off... pretty unlikely...
With Gavin gone I tried to kill Wedge, as he wasn’t letting me roll any greens on Leia and was the scariest.
Leia took long to die as she was arc dodging Corran and only getting shot by Wedge.
She finally died, but enemy Corran had lost all 3 shields, and Wedge lost 2 shields to a lucky R3 shot from Jake.

Wedge spent his focus to evade 2, but he got a damaged sensor array and a direct hit! Knowing it would be hard to get another R1 shot on Wedge I decided to double tap, even though I was tokenless. I got 2 of 4 and Wedge only evaded 1 so he exploded.
Both Corrans danced around for a few turns until I read his 3 segnor behind my Corran, and blocked myself (not before getting a focus from Jake and a TL with AS) into the side of Jake to block the red maneuver, and get a shot at a blocked Corran. Enemy Corran was destroyed, and I took my first damage card on Corran all day!
Win 200-125
I won all 3 games, but another player had more MOV so I ended up 2nd. I had a lot of good dice rolls and had a great time flying the E-Wing.
fixed stuff