Kitchen Sink aka Scum Salad

By Greedo_Sharpshooter, in X-Wing Squad Lists


Sabine Wren — Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (59) + Shadow Caster (1)

Fenn Rau — Fang Fighter (68)

Nom Lumb — JumpMaster 5000 (38) + Dengar (6)

G4R-GOR V/M — M3-A Interceptor (28)

Total Points =200

Pretty rusty after a loooong hiatus from the game. Here is my latest scum squad. critique welcome.

@Cuz05 @Bucknife @Cloaker @5050Saint @ClassicalMoser @gadwag @Burius1981 @Cerebrawl @Dwing any thoughts?

Edited by Greedo_Sharpshooter

Had been aiming to comment, but hadn't got round to it. Ill accept the prod :D

I like it, but I foresee some difficulties.

Most obvious thing I'd do is drop Dengar to Autoblasters and take Fearless on Fenn. You'll have more reliable impact from Fenn and should get more shot options from Nom, as well as the threat of Blaster crits if they turn away from him.

However, the main difficulty I see is not upgrade based at all. You've got 4 very different flight dynamics there and it might be hard to coordinate their movement with the kind of flexibility you need.

A possible easing may come from replacing G0R with Sunny. She can flank and 'ace', with Nom your primary interference piece, or she can get in close and cause issues. G0R will do the latter better, ofc, but can't switch to the former when the need arises.

Sunny can be quite a swinger when she s ignored. With all the rest going on, she will be ignored and can turn up a bit later as major influence on the game state. Nom and Sabine to direct the early attention and give Fenn his opening, Sunny takes a role that is more just insurance to deal with loose ends.

Not much to do with the spare point, but Greedo on Nom might be a giggle. Certainly pegs him as something to be dealt with before Blaster crits start being thrown. That may give you some strong early influence and a more flexible opening ploy.

Edited by Cuz05

I like the crazyness of it, I like sending all my points on just ships, but something to try might be dropping G4R-GOR for points to sink into the other ships. I would keep Dengar on NomLump as Aces hates it. But yes get auto blaster on him or at least just that free cannon because why not. Fearless on Fenn. Have not tried Sabine yet, her ability don't really speak to me. That said your original list has a lot of ships and hull, so should be possible to win some matches with it :).

Edited by Dwing

I agree that Fenn wants Fearless, but I also like Dengar on Nom. Perhaps drop Sabine down the the generic Shadowport Hunter? Her ability isn't super strong, and dropping to the generic doesn't hurt for the Shadowcaster title since Nom and G4R are still lower init than the generic.

Aside from upgrades, the trick with this list is going to be getting Fenn into range 1. 2 large base ships are going to be in Fenn's way.

Agree with @Cuz05 and @5050Saint .

Unless you've got very specific experience and goals with GOR, just go with Sunny.

Autoblaster on NOM, and if you can, in Sunny as well. Fearless on Fenn is a coin toss for me if you've got extra points. Depending on my next point, I'd even consider dropping Fenn down to OldT with Fearless, or even a Skull with Advanced Proton Torps.

Final point: Shadowcaster.

If you're going lower initiative than the I4 Pet.ArenaAce Nantex fighter, than you need to load that Caster up with anything that will increase your Time on Target. Look at crew and gunners and make sure that every HP you spend gets traded with return fire. I don't even care if it's quality fire. Simply getting shots with your tank will make a have to keep all your ships relevant and threatening as long as possible.

Nice list!

Go Scum.

2 hours ago, 5050Saint said:

I agree that Fenn wants Fearless, but I also like Dengar on Nom. Perhaps drop Sabine down the the generic Shadowport Hunter? Her ability isn't super strong, and dropping to the generic doesn't hurt for the Shadowcaster title since Nom and G4R are still lower init than the generic.

Aside from upgrades, the trick with this list is going to be getting Fenn into range 1. 2 large base ships are going to be in Fenn's way.

This is a good shout. With nothing to leverage Sabines ability, (IG crew is kinda minimum), dropping to the generic doesn't give away too much.

The point on Fenn is a wise one too. It may be worth looking at Predator instead, so you can be more circumspect with him, rather than needing the R1 in arc of Fearless for your punch. Or even Outmanouvre if the points are there. That'd need feeling out on the table.

Getting Ninja'd by Bucknife. Shadowcaster, I agree, but the title at 1pt doesn't need justifying unless it's forcing a talent off of your Fang. It's never bad to tractor someone for nearly free, you can shove people into/behind obstacles and mess up their choices for next turn in a major way, even if you aren't getting use out of it on the current turn.

Really, it depends on how much the list needs that extra help. If it's fine at 199 with no title, then that 1pt spent is just gravy.

Old T is a good recommendation too, I actually prefer him to Fenn most of the time. Fenn is just not 12pt better, unless the squad is built around his I6 smack, a la Boba/Fenn. If it isn't, then those extra points can go a loooong way with the other ships in your squad.

Old T absolutely wants Fearless and you'll want to make sure he has room to use it, rather than acing about. Nobody does the Fearless job better than him.

Appreciate the input here team. Some great ideas to test. ill update this post as i get in some table time with the list. nice to have a base squad with a little wriggle room for tweeks based on meta and play style ;)

Looks like everyone else covered the main points while I was asleep, but I may as well chip in.

  • Fenn doesn't need fearless, but it is a solid choice. Crack is also excellent on him in my experience.
  • Sabine should definitely be the generic. Her ability isn't great and you don't have any crew to make use of it, and more importantly you don't have any other i3 pilots, so you can still shoot first with the generic. I highly recommend 4-lom crew on the shadow caster as well - it helps you stick the tractor and you can use it twice before you're ioned. Even better, you can use it to deliberately ion yourself after a 5k so that you can do a nice slow blue 1fwd, clearing your stress without overshooting the fight or bumping.
  • Nom is fine, but I don't think he works will with the shadow caster for two reasons. First, they are both large bases and will make maneuvering a bit crowded (especially if Nom is also competing for range 1 space along with Fenn). Secondly, your opponent canturn Nom's arc away from the ship that you tractor with the shadow caster. Autoblasters helps with the second issue, but I'd actually prefer to have two small ships instead of Nom. This lets you put more damage into the tractored target. I recommend a pair of Zs or TIEs, and upgrade one to a scyk if you have the points.
  • G4R is a big risk. With two large bases in your list, plus Fenn trying to get r1, you are going to have a hard time not bumping him by accident, and if you do that you're toast. As others have suggested, sunny is a decent option (either naked or with autoblasters). A cartel spacer is also a sound option (naked or with autoblasters or ion)

Give it a go and see how you feel, but I'd be considering dropping Nom for two small ships as I said above. For example:


Shadowport Hunter — Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (55) + Shadow Caster (1) + 4-LOM (2)

Fenn Rau — Fang Fighter (68) + Crack Shot (2)

Cartel Spacer — M3-A Interceptor (25)

Cartel Spacer — M3-A Interceptor (25)

Binayre Pirate — Z-95 AF4 Headhunter (22)

Total Points =200

You could also downgrade one of the spacers to a Z or mining TIE to get 3pts of toys (eg. autoblasters, upgrade fenn to crack and put cybernetics on the shadowport hunter, whatever you like).

@gadwag this is very useful feedback. from ur suggestions iv come up with this...

New Squad Name: Black Sun Scum

Shadowport Hunter — Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (55) + Shadow Caster (1) + 4-LOM (2)

Fenn Rau — Fang Fighter (68)

Sunny Bounder — M3-A Interceptor (27) + Autoblasters (3)

Binayre Pirate — Z-95 AF4 Headhunter (22)

Binayre Pirate — Z-95 AF4 Headhunter (22)

Total Points =200

Black Sun Scum seems quite a swarmy style squad with Fenn and Sunny B as ace hunters and the z-95s working well in tandem with tractoring. the threat of tractoring is often enough to force evasive flying from small enemy fighters and i have a feeling those Z-95s r going to punch above their weight.

Edited by Greedo_Sharpshooter

Not that fond of the zeds myself. I think mining TIEs are just plain superior for the points, and M3-As even more so for another 3 a pop.

I'd downgrade Fenn to Old T with Fearless. Gives you 9 points to play with, upgrade both Z to M3-As, give one of them autoblasters(or give them to both and leave Sunny without).

Honestly though, it might be a better idea to keep Nom than the lancer, you could have ion cannons on the M3-As with the points saved.

Something like this:

Old Teroch (56)
Fearless (3)

Ship total: 59 Half Points: 30 Threshold: 2

Nom Lumb (38)
Autoblasters (3)
Dengar (6)
Deadman's Switch (2)

Ship total: 49 Half Points: 25 Threshold: 5

Cartel Spacer (25)
Ion Cannon (6)

Ship total: 31 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2

Cartel Spacer (25)
Ion Cannon (6)

Ship total: 31 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2

Sunny Bounder (27)
Autoblasters (3)

Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

Oh I just liked all those posts, lots of nice things going on.

Aside from dropping the Lancer, no! You go too far 😜

Definitely MTGs over Zs. Sunny, Fenn, Shadowport and 2 TIEs sounds pretty neat to me. Though I'd drop blasters on Sunny for a talent on Fenn, she loves em, but doesn't gain quite as much from them as the Spacers do.

New Squad Name: Black Sun Scum

Shadowport Hunter — Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (55) + Shadow Caster (1) + 4-LOM (2)

Fenn Rau — Fang Fighter (68) Fearless (3)

Sunny Bounder — M3-A Interceptor (27)

MGT - Sentry (22)

MGT - Sentry (22)

Total Points =200

superior blockers immune to asteroids and Fenn at full power with fearless. Seems solid and faster than previous Z version with them squirrelly scum ties ;)

Edited by Greedo_Sharpshooter

@Greedo_Sharpshooter I like the above list better than your earlier iteration. Seems like everyone else hit the important stuff. Fenn definitely needs the Fearless or Crackshot or Predator to try and take advantage of his high attack potential. Not a list that I would be excited about seeing across the table from me lol, so you have that going for you.

The generic Lancer is interesting. Not a ship that an opponent can ignore because of the upgrade combo, but then again Fenn is on the table as well. I really like that idea.

Edited by Burius1981

@Greedo_Sharpshooter Those two lists you've posted both look good to me. Whether you take Zs or TIEs or shave some points to upgrade to a second Scyk is up to you.

Personally, I think Zs and TIEs are roughly on par in terms of strength. I'd take whichever you feel more comfortable with. The TIEs can be killed in one shot quite easily if you're facing a squad with some heavy hitters, whereas the Zs are a bit weaker against lots of small attacks from a swarm. That's not a huge concern, though - if your opponent is killing them they aren't shooting your much stronger ships.

Cerebrawl is right that Scyks are better than Zs or TIEs, as they are much more durable. As I said, though, your opponent really should be ignoring these ships anyway so spending points upgrading to a sturdy scyk may not be as useful as something like fearless on Fenn.

Get out there and fly it and have fun!

6 hours ago, gadwag said:

Personally, I think Zs and TIEs are roughly on par in terms of strength. I'd take whichever you feel more comfortable with. The TIEs can be killed in one shot quite easily if you're facing a squad with some heavy hitters, whereas the Zs are a bit weaker against lots of small attacks from a swarm. That's not a huge concern, though - if your opponent is killing them they aren't shooting your much stronger ships.

That's only half the reason the mining TIEs are superior. They also have much better dials and can stay in the fight, while zeds would need to leave and come back in many cases. Also the whole skipping over rocks thing.

6 hours ago, Cerebrawl said:

That's only half the reason the mining TIEs are superior. They also have much better dials and can stay in the fight, while zeds would need to leave and come back in many cases. Also the whole skipping over rocks thing.

manueverablity vs durability. in most cases i think the ties are better blockers xcet for the off time u need to slow roll. the barrel roll gives them ability to take up a little more air space but i think its more effective in numbers as opposed to two ships. kinda matchup dependent but im seeing a lot of 4-5 ship lists across the table in extended right now. going to have to try both out or fly one of each even. going to play a few games today so might try out each variation.

15 minutes ago, Greedo_Sharpshooter said:

manueverablity vs durability. in most cases i think the ties are better blockers xcet for the off time u need to slow roll. the barrel roll gives them ability to take up a little more air space but i think its more effective in numbers as opposed to two ships. kinda matchup dependent but im seeing a lot of 4-5 ship lists across the table in extended right now. going to have to try both out or fly one of each even. going to play a few games today so might try out each variation.

Defintely. Z95s just don't really cut it anymore in 2.0, sadly, and are really the product of another time in the game. The red barrel roll murdered it, and compared to the other filler options it just can't compete in relative value to price point. I'd argue it needs a 1 point price drop across the board.

I know you want to make Sabine work... but the generic lancer is best so you can block. With that dial, it can get in on enemies fast.

if you really want to get back in scum, and willing to make people hate you, I'll give you this salad atrocity.

Torkil Mux (38)
Engine Upgrade (2)
Moldy Crow (18)

Ship total: 58 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 3

Captain Seevor (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Zealous Recruit (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Zealous Recruit (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Sunny Bounder (27)
Autoblasters (3)

Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

that list is brutal to deal with in terms of target prioritization. Have fun.

Or my personal favorite:

4-LOM 4 ship disruption lists. Just bring 2 or 3 other ships that mess with tokens or are just massive threats.

4-LOM (49)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Mist Hunter (1)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 60 Half Points: 30 Threshold: 5

Unkar Plutt (29)
Ship total: 29 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 3

Old Teroch (56)
Fearless (3)

Ship total: 59 Half Points: 30 Threshold: 2

Talonbane Cobra (50)
Predator (2)

Ship total: 52 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 3

Total: 200

Other standard stand-ins in the list include Palob, Seevor, and Torani.

And then there's this beautiful list:

4-LOM (49)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Mist Hunter (1)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 60 Half Points: 30 Threshold: 5

Palob Godalhi (40)
Moldy Crow (18)

Ship total: 58 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 3

Torani Kulda (48)
Cluster Missiles (4)
R5-TK (0)
Munitions Failsafe (1)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 5

G4R-GOR V/M (28)
Ship total: 28 Half Points: 14 Threshold: 2

Total: 199

On 9/8/2020 at 9:59 PM, Greedo_Sharpshooter said:

@gadwag this is very useful feedback. from ur suggestions iv come up with this...

New Squad Name: Black Sun Scum

Shadowport Hunter — Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (55) + Shadow Caster (1) + 4-LOM (2)

Fenn Rau — Fang Fighter (68)

Sunny Bounder — M3-A Interceptor (27) + Autoblasters (3)

Binayre Pirate — Z-95 AF4 Headhunter (22)

Binayre Pirate — Z-95 AF4 Headhunter (22)

Total Points =200

Black Sun Scum seems quite a swarmy style squad with Fenn and Sunny B as ace hunters and the z-95s working well in tandem with tractoring. the threat of tractoring is often enough to force evasive flying from small enemy fighters and i have a feeling those Z-95s r going to punch above their weight.

so i gave the above list a go this week vs a very sharp player who had seperatists. Dooku and suitably annoying support ships. The list performed well. i was lucky on my defense dice rolling 9 evades in a row which helped but eventually lost fenn and conceded the game... i think i def could have flown better but the list proved its solid enough. Those Z's were fine and chipped in damage here and there. i got off one tractor success on his nantex shipping it onto an asteroid. Sunny was very solid and id use again.

im loving the interchangeable pieces scum has and im not even through punching out all my options in my scum kit.

Edited by Greedo_Sharpshooter
2 hours ago, Greedo_Sharpshooter said:

im loving the interchangeable pieces scum has and im not even through punching out all my options in my scum kit.

This nails it. I've been sucked into Scum as my main faction because of this. I can make very fine alterations to how my squad performs and pick different types of approach by simply switching a few pieces around, leaning into different combinations and different priorities. There are an awful lot of complementary choices you can make.

Or the brute force approach:

Guri (64)
Predator (2)

Kavil (43)
Dorsal Turret (2)
Contraband Cybernetics (2)

Zealous Recruit (41)

Zealous Recruit (41)

Total: 195

Who needs shenanigans, anyway? ;)

Edited by underling
2 hours ago, Greedo_Sharpshooter said:

but eventually lost fenn

Just a quick note to pick up another reason I generally prefer Old T. Most squads with Fenn tend to have to lean on him a tiny bit too much, which reduces the all important flexibility you need to deal with a variety of things and keep your oppo guessing.

Fenn carries a big flag and comes with a large side order of variance vulnerability.

23 hours ago, Cuz05 said:

This nails it. I've been sucked into Scum as my main faction because of this. I can make very fine alterations to how my squad performs and pick different types of approach by simply switching a few pieces around, leaning into different combinations and different priorities. There are an awful lot of complementary choices you can make.

Scum must adopt the Fearless and Inventive credo made famous by that fat slug guy in ROTJ ;)

Scum players turn throw away trash into innovative creations, reshape scrap metal into deadly weapons and remake space junk into competitive squads.

Edited by Greedo_Sharpshooter
On 9/10/2020 at 3:30 AM, Cloaker said:

Defintely. Z95s just don't really cut it anymore in 2.0, sadly, and are really the product of another time in the game. The red barrel roll murdered it, and compared to the other filler options it just can't compete in relative value to price point. I'd argue it needs a 1 point price drop across the board.

I know you want to make Sabine work... but the generic lancer is best so you can block. With that dial, it can get in on enemies fast.

if you really want to get back in scum, and willing to make people hate you, I'll give you this salad atrocity.

Torkil Mux (38)
Engine Upgrade (2)
Moldy Crow (18)

Ship total: 58 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 3

Captain Seevor (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Zealous Recruit (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Zealous Recruit (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Sunny Bounder (27)
Autoblasters (3)

Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

that list is brutal to deal with in terms of target prioritization. Have fun.

Came up with this pretty similar squad here with a few minor tweeks... lose engine upgrade and swap sunny for a cartel spacer and swap one z recruit for a generic startviper

Torkil Mux (38)
Moldy Crow (18)

Ship total: 56 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 3

Captain Seevor (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Black Sun Enforcer (45)
Ship total: 45 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 2

Zealous Recruit (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Cartel Spacer (25)
Autoblasters (3)

Ship total: 28 Half Points: 14 Threshold: 2

Total: 200