Hi there! Apparently me and my friend have a thing for falling in messy rulings situations when it comes to this game. This time we were uncertain about how to correctly read and apply the rules about stun and recovering from it. At one point in this game, my friend played Fogbank while he had Barrister Joya in play. Previously, he had played Blinding Light, so a bunch of my creatures were stunned.
In my turn, i decided to call Santum, and i was going to unstun some of them. However my friend told me that i could not, the reason being that these creatures could neither fight (Fogbank) nor reap (Barrister Joya), and therefore i had no way to use them at all, and no way to unstun them. Since i immediatly called that BS, we resorted to the rulebook. But there all we could find there was this:
"Any time a stunned creature could normally be used, it can instead be used
by exhausting it to remove its stun status card."
Which still left us kinda mystified. If, as is usually true for most creatures, all a creature can do is reap and fight, and it's prevented from doing both by other effects...it can still be "normally used" to be unstunned?
On one thing, however, we agreed: i had a stunned Deipno Spymaster in play, and i unstunned it on the basis that its Omni ability can be used always. However since my game was doomed anyway if i could not unstun them creatures (of course, he had a legacy Witch of the Eye to play Fogbank again the next turn), i gave up.
So, it is true that, in such situation, creatures can't be unstunned? And i was right i could unstun the Deipno by using its Omni ability in a Sanctum turn?
Thank you for your hepl guys!